

aww dogs twitter adorable pupper puppy dopey cute doggo funny tweets thoughts of dog derp - 7547909

15 Adorably Derpy Gems From 'Thoughts Of Dog'

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Caption that reads, "When u see a puppy" above pics of Kermit the Frog screaming"
Via Ubiquitox
Dog Memes of derpy floof puppers

21 Dog Memes To Remind You Just How Derpy Those Big Floofers Are

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tumblr memes

17 Fresh And Funny Tumblr Posts That'll Give You A Chuckle

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Golden Puppers Do A Swim

Caption that reads, "Bad day? Here's a pool of puppies" above a pic of a bunch of golden retriever puppies swimming in a little backyward pool
Via Darkbutterflies

2 Spoopy For Me

Tweet from We Rate Dogs that reads, "My goodness. Please don't send in ghosts. They are very frightening. We only rate dogs. Thank you...12/10" above a pic of a cute golden retriever puppy wearing a ghost costume
Via anlyin
wholesome | heartwarming memes

17 Wholesome Memes That Even Your Grandma Can Enjoy

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Heckin Smol Boi

Pic of big German shepherd meeting a little puppy; German shepherd says, "Explain your smolness" and puppy says, "Am pupper"
Via pla303

PSA To All Puppers

Caption that reads, "The pre-Thanksgiving talk" above a pic of a German shepherd giving his son a pep-talk, saying, "Look, when the family comes over for Thanksgiving, it's literally going to be raining food. People drop things, peas roll off plates, gravy drips, things happen. So stay alert!
Via cutecarcharodon


Pic of a cute golden retriever taking a nap in a little ditch, with text overlay that reads, "All tuckered out from digging"
Via toria143


Caption that reads, "Me: Hey can I pet your dog? Them: maybe this isn't the bes- Me: Hey thanks" above a pic of a guy petting a cute puppy through a car window in traffic
Via BoomBoomSaloon

He Just Wanted The Scritches

Snapchat text overlay that reads, "My golden retriever puppy was desperate for my attention while I was doing the dishes" over a pic of a cute puppy sitting in the dishwasher
Via GaladrielLadyofLight
Funny animal memes.

20 Funny Animal Memes & Tweets That'll Surely Improve Your Mood

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gifs behind the gif web comics puppy - 1503749

Behind the GIF: Puppysitting

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Watching Your Every Move

When you hear rumors of your neighbor getting a puppy, person staring out of a window with binoculars and scope, funny meme.
Via Crippling Memes
Funny memes about school, memes, work, the internet, bears, animals, friendship, parents, dads, the FBI, Donald Trump, Drake, depression, chicken tenders, music.

19 of Today's Most Funny Memes

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