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Xbox & PS5 Memes To Celebrate The Highly Anticipated Releases

Mini fridge or wifi router?
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Funny meme about playstation 5 price | funké @funkemcfly sony revealing how much the ps5 is cashier behind a sign that reads please don't say damn when you hear the price
Via @memebase

Best One Yet

Funny meme that makes fun of PS5 using Gordon Ramsay idiot sandwich scene | What are you? PlayStation 5
Via @memebase
Funny gaming memes about ps5 console design, ps5 parodies, xbox, ps5 price, dank memes, video games, gamer memes | Social Media today: Homer Simpson in a bar of black boxes | Bernie Sanders price PS5 Sony price is- Sorry can't tell am no longer asking

28 PS5 Memes For The Impatient Gamers

Please, just tell us the price.
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