

Such Terrible, Brilliant Punsmanship Here

cliché groan-inducing Hall of Fame homophones offer prefix quote similar sounding - 5688559616
Created by Raptor2213 ( Via Pears Before Swine )

William Snakespeare

Hall of Fame juxtaposition literalism prefix shakespeare shoop similar sounding snake william shakespeare pun - 5684595712


glass grass literalism prefix similar sounding - 5640761856
Created by SpikeDawg

Does it Really?

men prefix similar sounding women - 5612863232
Created by pedretta

After the Termites Got To it, It Doubled As a Deathly Hollow

door double meaning dumbledore Hall of Fame Harry Potter literalism prefix - 5659021312
Via Epic Ponyz

It's a Bit Late Coming in, Don't You Think?

double meaning high literalism low prefix similar sounding tide - 5649815296
Created by Unknown

At Least the Signal is Clear!

brands double meaning Hall of Fame kia literalism nokia prefix - 5593243904
Created by LOLdogexpert

I Wouldn't Want to See a Meth Lab, Then...

black chocolate color double meaning lab labrador literalism prefix - 5550984704
Created by LOLdogexpert


gifs Hagrid Hall of Fame Harry Potter prefix swag Watch the Throne - 5554699264

Cannot Tell if Secret to Beating Ganon or Unnecessary Plot Device

fry iconic literalism prefix similar sounding symbol the legend of zelda - 5522046976
Created by ThisIsAMeme ( Via Smosh )


bro donut Hall of Fame literalism prefix similar sounding - 5497147136

Sounds Like a Lovely Place, Really

prefix prison promise pun punishment threat - 5454120704
Created by Unknown


chewbacca Hall of Fame homophone juxtaposition literalism pikachu Pokémon prefix star wars suffix - 5435822592

Excuse Me While I Sea Cower in Fear

double meaning Hall of Fame homophone homophones literalism manatee prefix quote - 5273853440

With and Without

Hall of Fame literalism prefix Reese Witherspoon spoon suffix surname with without - 5375897600
Created by xyzpdq1

But What Has Been Sheen...

prefix seen similar sounding surname - 5373480448
Created by meme-stream