

Boil Em Mash Em Stick Em in a Stew

funny memes trick or treat potatoes
Via twitter
life hacks potato lifehacks - 75308033

Life Hack: The Easiest Way to Boil and Peel Potatoes

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The Key to Building a Sustainable Marriage

Via Imgur

When a Potato Looks Just Like You

funny memes awkward seal potato

What People Say To Me When They Hear My Irish Accent

accents irish Pie Chart potato what people say when - 6413377280
Created by purpleusbkey

Things Youtube videos are recorded with

cameras internets Pie Chart potato youtube - 6523347712

This potato Totally Looks Like Oogie Boogie

food gross monster oogie boogie potato the nightmare before christmas - 4367917312
Created by nomnomi

Crawling Back to Your Spuds

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Via Mr. Lovenstein

The Best Religion Ever

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Definitely a Potato

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One Sleepy Spud

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Veiny Potato Totally Looks Like The Rock's Arms

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Created by issaellen

Is That a Potato?

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It's True, I Tried It

potato gullible oranges - 7696776960
Created by TommyT5

I Think We Know Where That Name Came From

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Potato Allergies

Omegle potato - 7207064064
Created by oOkestrelOo