

reddit, askreddit, stupid, stupid people, funny, Response, Question, dumb, true facts, community, Serious, population, People, facepalm, embarassing

People Discuss the Stupidest Thing They've Ever Heard Someone Say

What's the stupidest thing that you've ever heard someone say? Just last week, I got into an argument with a friend over the correct term for a bin of missing items. They were under the impression that it was “lost in found” and not “lost and found." The fact that they weren't kidding baffled me. Admittedly, I was impressed by their conviction in supporting this claim. Also that they had made it this long in their life without learning the truth. My example isn't exactly extraordinary. I'd say…
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science, maths, humans, central park, weird, wtf, population, new york, funny twitter, twitter

Hypothetical Human Population Meatball Prompts Horror And Jokes From Twitter

Now we know
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Feeling Attacked Rn

Funny meme showing an Ask Reddit post that asks out of 7.7 billion people on earth, what is no one doing; someone replies "dating you"
Via septix

It's What's on the Inside That Counts

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Via Your Wildlife


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Created by Kelvin

Countries With Similar State Prison Populations

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Via I Love Charts

GraphJam: Stop! Hammertime? Really?

forget kids Memes memory population time xkcd - 6510820352

With a Bang

Memes population that escalated quickly - 6477931264
Created by Linkamus1

Population vs. Biomass

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Via The Economist

We're Number One!

population united states world - 6275766784
Via Upworthy

Not After I'm Done With Them

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Created by scoutage

Aaron Is One of Us

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All Men Are Pigs, You Say?

boyfriend cheating Memes population sexism Willy Wonka - 6074342912
See all captions Created by ERRDAY

Age of Empires: We Can Rebuild Him!

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Quickly Now!

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Via I Raff I Ruse
humans male population typical Video - 15933185


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