

funny tweets, twitter memes, relatable tweets, social media, 2019, tony hawk | randy @randypaint here's get rid military: 1. elect tony hawk as president 2 he settles all foreign issues with games s-k--t-e b) no other world leaders can even ollie Imao they'd get fucking owned 3. profit | hype @TheHyyy magician's tricks then pull rabbits out hats cut people half guess card magician's tricks now buy house pay off student loans have mental health

Fifty Amusing Tweets For People With Low Attention Spans

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Funny video of Trump responding to criticism of a former speech of his by drinking a glass of water

Crowd Goes Wild When Trump Drinks Glass Of Water All By Himself

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Funny memes about the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone in Seattle Washington, CHAZ memes, political memes | WHAT IF KISSED AT SEATTLE AUTONOMOUS ZONE ARE ENTERING FREE CAPITOL HILL sign taped to barricade | astronaut aiming gun at another astronaut's head Wait 's all CHAZ Always has been

Seattle's Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone Is Inspiring Tons Of Memes

Content Warning: Politics
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Funny and relatable tweets, kente cloth, democrats, nancy pelosi | Ron Iver @ronnui_ Girls are like do not remember my favorite food" idk do not remember all leg bruises are ?

30 Fresh Tweets For Your Mindless Entertainment

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Tweets making fun of house democrats for wearing kente cloth in honor of murdered george floyd | Save actioncookbook @actioncookbook Imagine being shown this photo in 2019 with no explanation Nancy Pelosi in African pattern and face mask | Democrats today Get Out evil parents photoshopped with the cloth

Democrats Meme'd For Kente Cloth George Floyd Tribute

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Funny and depressing memes about climate change | Kendall Jenner swimming climemechange New York, New York Trying get my friend's house 2050 like @climemechange | Trust have government's committment solve climate change Wow look! Nothing!

Eighteen Climate Change Memes Chock-Full Of Bleak Humor

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Funny memes, academic memes, theory memes | clueless Kant lived life celibacy and died before cars were invented e virgin who can't drive. | class Can stay discussion with second Let's go deeper on this Building on this point Let know if getting if other way around reminds want X's point unpack bullets

Academic Memes Full Of Scholarly Humor

For the smarties.
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Funny web comics featuring candy hearts, dark humor, tommy siegel, relationships, dating, love, marriage. | HALF- LISTENING AND PLANNING WILL SAY ABOUT IS TALK ABOUT MYSELF TIME MYSELF loay | IM DRUNBK BORED

These Candy Heart Comics Are A Depressingly Real Look At Dating & Relationships

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Funny reaction memes and tweets to Donald Trump's comments about bleach | distracted boyfriend TRUMP GYDROKYCHLOROQUINE BLEACH | black and white effect

Internet Reacts To Trump's Comments About Injecting Disinfectant To Cure COVID-19

Please don't inject yourself with disinfectant.
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Funny tweet that reads, "This photo of Donald Trump's mum looks like a character in a film about Trump's life where Trump plays all the roles" above a photo of Mary Trump
Via ltron5717
Funny memes that mock Joe Biden's presidential campaign called '"I'm on Team Joe" | ON TEAM JOE GOT HAIRY LEGS kids used rub my leg BIDEN PRESIDENT Text JOE 30330 Create own at Biden L Data Rates Hay ApTet HELP forInfo. Teat STOP opt eut No purchase necessary

Joe Biden Gets Trolled With His Cringey 'I'm On Team Joe' Campaign

Poor ol' Joe.
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Funny tweets about Jared Kushner aging poorly, plastic surgery, twitter memes | Calle @calleread saw an old pic Jared Kushner and now completely freaked out happened his face? DoN MECHANIC 7:28 PM 4/12/20 Twitter iPhone | Chase Thomas @ChaseThomas89 Replying calleread 7:29 PM 4/13/20 Salt Lake City, UT Twitter iPhone Voldemort

Jared Kushner's Deterioration Inspires Hilarious Twitter Scrutiny

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funny tweet about failed presidential candidates growing beards | Voodoo Pork @Voodoo_Pork Every failed Presidential candidate eventually grows sad dad beard CLASSIC | Eva Cantor Give Orson Welles s PoRiverJamBand Replying Voodoo_Pork and @ZeeZeeMooMoo Like or not, this trendsetter.

Failed Candidate Beards Inspire Twitter Thread Of Zingers And Photoshops

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Political memes and tweets, donald trump, coronavirus, marianne williamson, covid-19, economy, economics, stock market, stonks |  56 0.9% 0.12% 0. 68 2.28614563 .156 0287 Wrstonks 602 0.1204 34 N/ 121 0.1902 SZT | Marianne Williamson @marwilliamson used this image Titanic couple days ago and writer hates repeat herself, but bears repeating going through now is upper class passengers trying lock people steerage so only they could get available lifeboats.

Political Memes & Tweets For The Masochists

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Funny memes about Andy Beshear, governor of Kentucky | finding neverland movie ANDY, WILL LIQUOR STORES STAY OPEN LIQUOR STORES ARE NOT INCLUDED BAN. | the spice girls Practice Social distancing WANNA MY IF BE LOVER GOTTA Obunle

Kentuckians Are Meme-ing Their Beloved Governor In These Trying Times

"Have no fear, it's Governor Beshear!"
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Funny video where a mayor excuses himself to go to the bathroom during a meeting on coronavirus and forgets to turn off his microphone

Mayor Forgets To Turn Off Mic In The Bathroom During A Meeting On COVID-19

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