

This Easter Egg is More Than Meets the Eye

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Via sarranoob

consoles then and now

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Created by hypahypahanswurst

Sony Decides to Be Weird Again During the Playstation 4 Announcement

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Via mindofchester

The world of gaming is changing. Are you ready?

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Created by rightbehindyou

Let the Console War Commence

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Via deepbrown

His body wasn't ready for this

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Created by Asciicodeplus

The Future is Now

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Is it just me?

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Created by Kiseki

PS Vita

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Created by Thefatness16

U Can't Escape the Truth

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Created by ThunderCougerFalconBird

Uncharted Logic

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Console Wars Have Never Been Sexier!

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Hidden Spoiler in Spider-Man Poster

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Created by tmshrt

Who Needs New Ideas?

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Where the Support, Sony?

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Via SteveJobsSoul


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