
play on words

That Seems Right

Funny meme that reads, "Hen tie or something, I don't know I never watched anime" above an illustration of a hen wearing a tie
Via H0unds0fl0ve
Funny dank memes about the four elements from Avatar: The Last Airbender | Hair Hwater Hfire Hearth the four elements underwater on fire covered in mud | Will Smith TWEN 320 Bel-Air Y20 Fresh Prince Fresh Prince Bel-Air Bel-Water MG Fresh Prince Fresh Prince Bel-Fire Bel-Earth

Fifteen 'Four Elements' Memes That Offer A Dumb Play On Words

You gotta love a healthy dose of dumb humor.
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Funny tweet about eagles winning, football
Via kmas_2006

Gimme It

Caption that reads, "Me: I'm not saying a word without my lawyer present; Cop: You ARE the lawyer; Me: So where's my present?" above a stock photo of a police officer interrogating a guy at a police station
Via tacosharks

His Heart Will Go On

Meme using a play on words with 'My Heart Will Go on' by Celine Dion, where instead she says, "Nearquaad, Farquaad, wherever you arequaad"
Via Jonesy9109


Tweet that reads, "Hey nice try, people named Tristan. Or should I say Stan Stan Stan"
Via BotchedToe

Karma Chameleoff

boy george chameleon karma Memes off play on words - 5815501568
Created by Djcapidelcapo