

Wise Words

Funny meme about audrey hepburn and papa john's garlic sauce.
Via memebase

Somebody Call 9-1-1

Meme about dipping pizza in milk.
Via @bestmemesperiod

It's A Secret Message!!

"Secret" message written in words, where 'salad' spells out 'sad' and various junk foods spell out 'happy'
Via bmdangel631

She Was So Wise

Funny meme about saving your papa johns garlic sauce to put on plain bread.
Via distinguishedbaloney

Special Delivery

Funny meme about dog delivery person for dominos.
Via dankmemesgang

Every Time

Funny meme about pikachu and pizza rolls.
Via cabbagecatmemes

Stick To The Stuff You Know!

Tweet that reads, "The guy in High School Musical who said, 'I play the cello' was arrested for robbing a pizza place at gunpoint" above a Tumblr comment that reads, "Should've stuck to the status quo"
Via johnsaysthings

The Mental Gymnastics Is Astounding

Caption that reads, "Why do pizzas come in a square box, made as circles and eaten as triangles?" above a pic of Will Smith from the Fresh Prince looking shocked
Via DalekEvo
Funny and creepy stories about delivery drivers.

14 Brave Delivery Drivers Share Their Wildest Work Experiences

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This Dieting Thing Isn't So Bad!

Text conversation where someone fools their friend into thinking they're eating healthy when they're really eating frozen pizza
Via dailyalcoholic

Hot Take

Bernie Sanders talking next to a sign that reads, "Pizza rolls are just Italian gushers"
Via Capinron

Praise The Lord

Funny meme
Via Budloaf
Funny and gross food memes.

29 Food Memes That Might Eliminate Your Appetite

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North Korea clickbait kim jong-un Kim Jong-Il funny ads Hulk Hogan pizza Mark Zuckerberg Vladimir Putin - 6464261

11 Hysterical 'Illegal Photos Smuggled Out Of North Korea'

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So Cryptic

Funny meme about man posting to S'barro pizza page.
Via Know Your Meme
cheese and dairy memes

16 Cheese Memes That'll Make You Say 'You Gouda Brie Kidding Me!'

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