
picard facepalm

That's Hardly Even a Song

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Call It a Lucky Guess

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LOL I'm Such a Gamer

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Rage Comics: Nah, I Wanted to Take an Expensive Nap

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Created by dudeimwinning

Why Wouldn't It Be His Legend?

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I Can't Win With You!

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Created by Miziziziz

This Call Must Be Costing You a Fortune

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Created by zzzzenzy

You Mean the One in Your Hand?

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You're Full of Bull

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Created by hicher42

Dude, Where's My Invisible Car?

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Just Some Damn Kids on the Lawn Again

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If I Can't Have It, I Want It More

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It's Known as a Solar Giant

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Created by MadMelon505

And When the Lights Are All Out

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Created by MyChocolate

Rage Comics: It Goes Off to Fry Your Brain

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