petty revenge

entitled, entitled people, neighbors, petty revenge, reddit, reddit thread, hoa, car, driving, noise, fire

Entitled driver refuses to stop making noise with car, faces payback when next door neighbor decides to move his fire pit: 'I'll do what I want in my own yard'

reddit, reddit thread, petty revenge, coworker, scam, movie, director, writer, work, working, revenge

Filmmaker recruits scriptwriter and only pays him 30% of his fee, faces payback when he gets a new job: 'I realized I had been taken for a ride'

work, cooking, employee, company, cooking, petty revenge, malicious compliance, reddit, reddit thread, boss, manager, overtime

Entitled company makes employees bring own food to worker appreciation potluck, employee retaliates by taking unauthorized leave to cook: 'I was going to leave 3 hours early'

‘In big bold letters, "DAD"…’: Kids carve their names in their father's truck, uncle has the perfect way to teach his 2 young nephews a valuable lesson in petty revenge

‘In big bold letters, "DAD"…’: Kids carve their names in their father's truck, uncle has the perfect way to teach his 2 young nephews a valuable lesson in petty revenge

wife wives ex husband man-child family families drama story stories kid kids parent parents siblings cousin mom mother single-mom epic revenge admin insurance funny payback petty lol

UPDATE: ‘Not my problem anymore’: Woman cuts off her 39-year-old man-child ex-husband, removing herself as admin from his insurance, leaving him with higher payments and the weight of adult responsibilities

deserved justice payback revenge petty lol roommate friend prank friends friendship roommates housemate drama neighbor makeup thief stealing boundaries reddit

'[She] had no concept of boundaries': Woman spikes her foundation with self-tanner, turning her makeup-stealing roommate's face orange as payback

karen, driving, parking, reddit, reddit thread, petty revenge, neighbors, apartments

Parking Karen repeatedly steals neighbor's parking space, faces drastic consequences for not following the rules: 'She’s taking up two spaces like she’s trying to stake her claim'

students, college, presentation, malicious compliance, reddit, reddit thread, petty revenge, professor, class

Demanding professor insists student presentations stick to schedule then allows frequent overrunning, faces schooling from student determined to make the grade : 'We're sure we have this down to 30 minutes'

work workplace coworker coworkers workers employee employees boss manager supervisor working ceo job business company revenge petty reddit spicy pepper

Employee gets spicy revenge on the office food thief, spiking his sandwich with scorpion pepper powder: 'Never stole anyone’s lunch again'

karen, grocery store, karen, customer, petty reverge, british, reddit, reddit thread

Grocery store Karen faces financial retaliation after purposefully driving shopping cart over fellow customer's foot: 'Who knows what she would have done if she caught me when enraged'

petty revenge, office, work, coworker, coworkers, reddit, reddit thread, revenge, working, employee, messages, messaging

Discriminatory coworker only takes private messages from female colleagues, faces payback when he asks male coworker to solely message him in the group chat: '[he] is only ever nice and helpful to the girls'

boss, contractor, breakfast, compensation, money, petty revenge, reddit, reddit thread

Deceitful boss breaks promise to comp $100 for staff breakfast, faces payback from disgruntled employee: 'You should've gotten it in writing'

Woman Takes Action Against Friend Who Painted Her House Pink During Her Holiday, Creating a Stirring Confrontation

Woman Takes Action Against Friend Who Painted Her House Pink During Her Holiday, Creating a Stirring Confrontation

reddit, reddit thread, petty revenge, freeloader, brother, parents, family, argument, home, house, moving out

Homeowning son expertly dodges fatigued parents nagging him to take in freeloading 42-year-old older brother: 'Enjoy wasting your three day weekend'

Woman Locks Entitled Neighbor Out of The Building by Withholding Apartment Key, Leaving Her Stranded on the Curb

Woman Locks Entitled Neighbor Out of The Building by Withholding Apartment Key, Leaving Her Stranded on the Curb

 Relationships relationship memes relationship Dating-Relationships relationship-drama toxic relationship relationship status long distance Boyfriend ex boyfriend Girlfriend Girlfriends ex girlfriend breakup Breakups revenge petty revenge nutella

Bitter ex-boyfriend buys $200 worth of Nutella to get back at hypercritical ex-girlfriend: 'I knew it would REALLY bother her'

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