

But They're So Hungry

Caption that reads, "When you own dogs and try to eat" above a pic of three cute dogs looking at someone with food
Via anlyin

They're Just So Gosh Darn Cute

Pic of a cute cat with a caption below that reads, "The reason cats are so pissy is they're God's perfect killing machines but they only weigh eight pounds and we keep picking them up and kissing them"
Via alikay45

Golden Puppers Do A Swim

Caption that reads, "Bad day? Here's a pool of puppies" above a pic of a bunch of golden retriever puppies swimming in a little backyward pool
Via Darkbutterflies

Awkward But Worth It

Tweet that reads, "Can you imagine how awkward it would be if your pet went on your phone and found the thousands of pictures you have of them sleeping"
Via meowmeeowmeoww

Not Cool

Funny meme about feeding your dog and him not liking lettuce.
Via cabbagecatmemes


Via Stability

Never Be Ashamed Of That Name

Tweet that reads, "My mum was too embarrassed to tell the vet our tortoise was called Voldetort so she just said his name was Susan"
Via sammysammyo

Yeah So Where's My Dinner At

Caption that reads, "When you die but your cat still wanna meow at you at 2am for food even though it's already full" above a pic of a cat with a Ouija board
Via norrrland
mans-best-friend dogs cute dogs pets cute animals adorable dogs funny tweets companion funny twitter funny dogs - 6611973

24 Dopey Dogs Who Failed Adorably At What They Were Bred For

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Take THAT, Sucker

Pic of a product called 'Finger Cat Paws' with a sign that reads, "Now you're the cat"
Via SuckieMcSuck
dogs cute dogs pets dog tweets doggos funny tweets thoughts of dog funny twitter adorable dogs - 6569477

13 Hysterical 'Thoughts Of Dog' Tweets That'll Just Make Sense To Any Dog Parent

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Funny bird memes, birb memes, birds.

39 Birb Memes That'll Make You Coo With Pleasure

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He Hacked The System

Picture of a cat eating directly out of the automatic feeder with the caption, "Don't tell me how to live my life"
Via mkUltra79


Funny comic about cats and dogs.
Via They Can Talk

Well Let Me Tell Ya!

Picture of a black guy looking enthusiastic about giving a speech under the caption, "Me when I get an opportunity to talk about my pet"
Via Allysonchains

Let Me Explain

Tweet that reads, "Can you imagine how awkward it would be if your pet went on your phone and found the thousands of pictures you have of them sleeping"
Via SchoolofAthens