
pet ownership


funny memes about cats
Via @memebase
web comics, cat comings, cute cat comics, wholesome

Relatable Cat Comics For Feline Owners & Appreciators

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Caption that reads, "When you own a dog" above pics of a cute dog trying to distract his human from working on their computer
Via BlackMarbleParachute

Karen, You're Going To Have To Stop That

Caption that reads, "Me coming home at 3am and unloading all my issues on my dog" above a pic of a woman hugging a dog, who looks mildly confused and freaked out
Via nutmeggle
Caturday memes |cat killing a spider, cat drinking a cocktail

41 Adorable Caturday Memes That Are Sure To Get You Purring

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But They're So Hungry

Caption that reads, "When you own dogs and try to eat" above a pic of three cute dogs looking at someone with food
Via anlyin
cat memes

17 Cat Memes For All The Catholics Out There

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