
relationships, linkedin, husband, wife, marriage, performance, work, twitter, twitter thread, roasted, cringe, hr

LinkedIn warrior faces roasting for instigating yearly performance review during date night with wife: 'He didn't dare ask her where she saw herself in 5 years'

kindergarten, elementary school, mother, reddit story, parenting, dad, performance, play, reddit thread, parent, Reddit, mom, Parenting Fail, parents, Father, Parenting FAILS

Dad walks out of 5-year-old son's kindergarten play after his wife makes a scene in the audience: 'She began loudly ranting to herself. Over time she gradually got louder and louder'

audience, entitled people, concert, festival, music, netflix, twitter, twitter thread, performance

Selfish Gen Z festivalgoers face criticism for sitting at the stage barrier and watching Netflix on their phones instead of the musicians: 'I'm stepping on that burger, I'll tell you that much'

FAILS, singer, twitter, FAIL, kid, viral tiktok, kids, singing, song, singers, twitter reactions, national anthem, performance, baketball, cute kids, girl, little girl, tiktok

'She must have very rich parents': Little girl performs horrendous rendition of The National Anthem, gets compared to Fergie

the sopranos, television, HBO, drama, comedy, acting, Actor, Actress, performance, crime, Mafia, therapy, Breaking Bad, entertainment, mad men, tv shows, funny, memes, funny memes, television show, Walter White

25 Sopranos Memes for Fans of the Titular Family and a Little Bit of Gabagool

singer, musician, tiktok, new york, times square, lyrics, performance, shape, cringe, cringey, funny, funny twitter, canadian, tiktok

Aspiring Musician 'Traveled 1000km' to Perform in Times Square, Faces Roasting on Twitter

concert, performance, musician, singer, p!nk, audience, gig, brie, cheese, gift, twitter, funny twitter, twitter meme, reaction

P!nk Gets Handed Wheel of Brie at UK Concert, Chaos Erupts on Twitter

bonus gen-z gen-z boss employees dance dancing millennials skit silly performance dancing tiktok lol viral real-estate raise salary pay pay-check bonuses werk work

'Show me the money!': Gen Z employees make a riveting video showing their boss that they deserve that "performance-based" bonus

viral videos, art, things kids, say, viral tiktok, kids, funny tiktok, viral video, weirdo, funny kids, performance, funny tweets, cute kids, weird twitter, funny twitter, weird, museum, tiktok

Parents Take Their Kids to Museum's 'Family Day', Every Exhibit is Weird Performance Art

gender reveal, baby, pregnancy, music, pole dancing, performance, weird, tiktok, twitter

Twitter Users Mesmerized by Ridiculously Complex Gender Reveal

elvis, elvis presley, communion, impression, catholicism, kid, funny, tiktok

Former Theater Kid Delights Internet Sharing Campy Elvis Impression at First Communion

pole dancing, pole, performance, seniors, old people, dance, wholesome, tiktok

Pole Dancer Performs For Senior Center, Receives Rapturous Response

Funny video of a woman interrupting a street performance

Stubborn Karen Ruins Everyone's Day During A Street Performance

Cute video of a college acapella group performing 'Somewhere Over the Rainbow' online when their concert was cancelled

College Acapella Group Performs 'Somewhere Over The Rainbow' Online After Being Quarantined

Caption that reads, "Don't call yourself a fan of music unless you remember this conic duet" above a pic of Hilary Duff and her double on stage in the Lizzie McGuire Movie


Pic of Bill Clinton, who represents 'microwaves,' looking bored while a singer, who represents 'my soup,' performs above a pic of Bill Clinton, who represents 'microwaves,' looking excitedly at Ariana Grande singing, who represents 'the bowl'

Why Does This Always Happen

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