

Hey wanna join the Pen-15 club? Now that we've got that schoolyard shenanigans (penis) out of the way, if you're looking to laugh at everything and anything phallic or having to do with it, don't go anywhere.

Funny twitter meme / tweets about Vornado Real Estate Trust naming their Hotel Pennsylvania redevelopment Penn15, pen15 club, penis | Noah Hurowitz O @NoahHurowitz sorry named phallic monument excess inlinc Vornado's 'Penn15' Redevelopment Hotel Pennsylvania Once Again Re-Imagined Ne | Toss Coin Witcher @favabean05 Please god don't name this Penn15 my 14 year old sense humor can't handle Hannah @h_thoreson 10h This is cool design building but hope they can come up with better

Vornado's 'Penn15' Tower Brings Out Twitter's Inner 12 Year Old

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Funny random memes | BREAKING NEWS Aquaman found dead. khal drogo with a beer pack ring around his neck. Just wrapped my moms Christmas present, it's a vacuum l should have left it in the box.

Forty Dumb Memes To Help You Hate Life Less

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Every Damn Time

Funny meme about getting a boner in front of the class at school.
Via @a.memeinglesslife


Funny Snapchat about a person who set up a wifi hotspot with the name "yell penis for password"
Via SKBMeh


Funny meme about guys flexing their dicks for women.
Via @memebase
Funny and dank memes.

17 Fresh 'N Dank Memes To Spice Up Your Life

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funny memes and tweets

30 Random Memes & Tweets That'll Banish Your Boredom

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Funny tweets about big dick energy. rihanna. pete davidson. ariana grande. chris evans.

'Big Dick Energy' Is The Internet's New Favorite Slang Term

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Very Important Data

Funny pun about measuring your weiner, photo of someone measuring a dog.
Via theworldpolice

Hard At Work

Funny meme about making jokes about erections and maturity - set in a job interview.
Via masipopal


Funny meme dealing with a Buzzfeed tweet saying "we need to talk about voldemort's penis" - the response is that no we don't. Making fun of ridiculous Buzzfeed headlines.
Via @veryniceonline

No Thank You

Funny meme about how it is the frist and last time this person goes to a sauna because there is a perfect impring of his penis.
Via Dank Memes Gang
p3n0r Video penis prank pills - 78346241

This Guy's Prank Call to a Dong Enhancement Pill Company is Delightfully Childish

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Let This Be a Warming To All D*cks That Won't Pay Their Landscapers

funny win image landscaper gets revenge for unpaid bill with perfectly symbolic bush
Via Travorisnobody
jobs Video penis - 77532161

Your Dick Pics Need a Professional to Take Them to the Next Level

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Gotta Get a Handle on These Answers

Via Perry Bible Fellowship Comics
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