
family drama, brother, leg tattoos, siblings, money problems, tattoo, reddit story, tattoos, rent, family, renting, sister, payment, Reddit, money, parents, brothers

Sister offers to lend brother $800 for his rent, rescinds offer when he shows up to pick up the money with a freshly-done tattoo: 'He says our parents make him feel stupid about his decisions'

twitter, bad friend, vegans, pizza, hosting, pizza delivery, friends, pay, tweets, host, vegetarians, vegan, vegetarian, payment, money, twitter discourse, Twitter Thread

Vegan party host orders 4 vegan pizzas, forces his friends to pay for it because he apparently wasn't hungry: 'We aren't going to pay because we didn't order, didn't enjoy it'

hospitality, bar, bartender, payment, money, tips, tipping, twitter, tiktok, controversy

Bartender causes controversy by adding 20% tip to all unclosed tabs at end of shift: 'I'm not sure that's legal'

drinks, steak, entree, friends, reddit story, leech, restaurant, friend, bills, dinner, bill, restaurants, expensive, food, reddit thread, payment, Reddit, money

2 leeches order $200 entrées, get angry when their friends cancel their entrées so they don't have to split the bill 6 ways: 'Dan, who probably only ate around $50 worth of food, was stuck with a $146.98 check at the end'

reddit stories, salary, working in trades, hourly, teach, tradesman, teaching, teachers, reddit story, teacher, dad, education, payment, Reddit money, son, Father

40-year-old teacher with a masters degree realizes he makes less money than his 18-year-old son: 'He's paid $63 an hour, my rate is about $25 an hour'

choosing-beggars choosing-beggar parenting bad-parents bad-parenting babysitter childcare wage-theft pay payment reddit reddit-thread toddler entitled mom moms

‘Get bent lady’: Choosing beggar offers $3.09/hour for babysitters to watch her toddler, gets zilch in return

paycheck, payroll, pay, payment, payday, money, saving money, work, workplace stories, toxic workplace, antiwork, toxic work environment, rain, boss, restaurant, restaurant work, reddit

'They are just making up excuses to be lazy': Restaurant delays paychecks for extreme weather, employee has biting response

truck, car, vehicle, payment, money, expensive, finance, stupid people, tiktok, twitter, cringe

'Y'all thought my $1400 Tahoe payment was bad': Nonsensical woman baffles internet with combined $3000 monthly car payments

Woman Sacrifices Her Daughter’s College Fund After Her Other Kid Gave Birth to Her 4th Child, Leading to Discussion on Parenting

Woman Sacrifices Her Daughter’s College Fund After Her Other Kid Gave Birth to Her 4th Child, Leading to Discussion on Parenting

'Not happening, I'm going home': Senior employee quits, leaving company in the dust after manager writes him up for not working on day off

'Not happening, I'm going home': Senior employee quits, leaving company in the dust after manager writes him up for not working on day off

reddit stories, salary, workplace stories, bonus, work, working, paying, reddit story, pay, workplace, paycheck, reddit thread, payment, Reddit, money, work stories

Worker making $15 an hour gets doubly overpaid, earning $30 per hour: 'What would you guys do?'

‘It’s your problem, pay for it yourself': Daughter left devastated after mom refuses to pay for school trip abroad that daughter failed to mention

‘It’s your problem, pay for it yourself': Daughter left devastated after mom refuses to pay for school trip abroad that daughter failed to mention

College Bride Demands Bridal Party Pay $5,000 in Wedding Cancellation Fees

College Bride Demands Bridal Party Pay $5,000 in Wedding Cancellation Fees

management, salary, antiwork, toxic manager, employee, hr, manager, work, coworkers, employer, employees, pay, human resources, managers, payment, money

'Should I be concerned?': Worker confronts HR representative after their manager bans employees from discussing pay

salary, boss, twitter, saving money, terrible bosses, bosses, underpaid, toxic boss, paycheck, bad bosses, payment, money, work, twitter reactions, tweets, tweet

'We didn't sell enough to pay you guys': Incompetent boss blames late payment on poor sales, gives employee unwanted financial advice

getting fired, jobs, on the job, hotel, fired, toxic workplace, job, job hunt, bad jobs, lies, work, lying, workplace, hotels, paycheck, payment, toxic work environment

Dude Gets Fired on His First Day of Work After Fellow Employee Lies About Him Making an Inappropriate Comment Because He's Jealous of His Salary

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