

beauty standards, am i the asshole, aita, reddit, reddit thread, patriarchy, body hair, shaving, women, dating, friendship, friends, advice, dating advice, beauty

Woman Gets Dragged for Advising Friend to Shave Her Body to Attract Men

Even in this day and age, it's hard for women out there who refuse to adhere to idealized beauty standards. Not everyone defines femininity the same way, and yet society still tells women that there is a feminine ideal they should be striving toward. No one is inherently wrong for adhering to mainstream beauty standards, just like no one is wrong for rejecting them. However, it is a bit messed up to suggest to someone that they change their appearance to appease the standards of others, especia…
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Person Epically Schools Homophobic Man Who is Ruthlessly Hitting on Her in a Hospital Waiting Room

Person Epically Schools Homophobic Man Who is Ruthlessly Hitting on Her in a Hospital Waiting Room

She brought this guy down a peg in less than 3 minutes.
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