

parking drama, karens, neighbors, vehicle, neighborhood, car, neighborhood drama, bad neighbors, cars, parking stories, Bad Neighbor, karen story, vehicles, karen, parking, neighbor

'She reported my vehicle as abandoned': Karen calls cops on neighbor for parking in front of her own house

Gene is no good
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Couple Outsmart Neighbor by Refusing to Vacate Parking Space Until Further Notice

Couple Outsmart Neighbor by Refusing to Vacate Parking Space Until Further Notice

Many times in life we can engage in situations that can test our patience. We can have the purest of intentions, but when pushed past our limits, there is no stopping the fury and rage from running through our veins. So, when being tested, should we back down and surrender, or on the contrary, should we put on the fight of a lifetime? The story below is an account of a creative couple who made the decision to put on the fight of a lifetime. The couple refuses to give in to their outrageous neig…
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