

panera bread, lemonade, caffeine, twitter, funny, funny twitter, twitter reactions, death, wtf, social media, health

"First date idea — who can drink more panera d*ath lemonade": Social Media Reacts to Allegedly Lethal Panera Charged Lemonade

Original Four Loko has nothing on this
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Tiktoker reveals caffeine content of mango yuzu citrus charged lemonade

Cracked Out TikToker Reveals Panera Drink's Dangerous Nutrition Facts

There's a reason people have been swapping coffee for “healthier” alternatives like green tea and mushroom brews. While green tea also contains caffeine, it also contains L-theanine, an amino acid that promotes calm and helps counteract caffeine's negative effects like insomnia, panic disorders, and anxiety. It's true that a couple of cups of coffee won't kill you, and might make you feel invincible, but people are realizing that the benefits may not outweigh the cost or heart palpitations. Tha…
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Reddit users discuss which fast food places are the most overrated

Fast Food Fans Discuss The Worst Fast Food Restaurants

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