

In Ya Go Squirt

Caption that reads, "Our friend came over to babysit last night. Ten minutes after we left he sent me this pic" above a pic of a guy about to put a baby in the oven
Via rvahnc

Wouldn't Want You to Get Burned Any More Than You Just Did

funny memes tards use the oven

Ovengers, Assemble!

avengers comic Hall of Fame literalism marvel oven prefix similar sounding The Avengers - 6213779200
Via Photokapi

Freezer Rage

cooking genius freezer oven rage - 8151127552
Created by Mister_Frickin_Cat

Either Way, I'm Going to Burn My Tongue

First World Problems microwave oven - 6875301376

Oven Mitts

Mitt Romney literalism double meaning oven - 6847333376
Via Reddit

My Stock Pot is a Little Small

cooking facebook for sale oven rabbit - 6481114624
Created by BartyCz

Where We're Going, We Don't NEED Kitchens

accident car crash Memes oven - 6206079488

This Was the Failed Prototype...

double meaning literalism oven - 5382050048
Created by Craptabulous

Do We Need to Go to the Doctor?

mom oven Rage Comics soup stove what - 5098793728
Via epic4chan

Let 'Em Fry

all the guy all the things microwave oven Rage Comics - 5027802368

One Minute Window of Perfection

burnt cooking fu guy oven pizza Rage Comics - 5038741760

Double Check Your Settings First

cookies internet oven technologically impaired Yahoo Answer Fails - 5012705024
Created by PrivateInPublic

Anti-Joke Chicken: The Muffin Joke

anti joke chicken eaten muffin oven talking what - 4731976960
See all captions Created by Ryan


double meaning Hall of Fame instructions misinterpretation one oven step - 4853508352

No Sense of Humor

humor jokes Mormon Chat oven puns - 4175950848
Created by riethy