

25+ In-Tents Hiking Memes for Nature Loving Trailblazers

25+ In-Tents Hiking Memes for Nature Loving Trailblazers

Re-fill your steel water bottle and grab some trail mix–it's meme time!
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‘You’re late for work, get outside now': Person gets even with kids who keep calling at late hours, ordering them to get up for work

‘You’re late for work, get outside now': Person gets even with kids who keep calling at late hours, ordering them to get up for work

People change their numbers, it happens all the time. Sometimes, friends, colleagues, and even companies who were in contact with these people — don't get the memo. I have that kind of number, and it results in me getting a bunch of calls throughout the year at odd hours, and people always ask for the same person… Rachel. Who is Rachel? No idea, but at this point, I hate her. The person in this story got back at some kids who were, it seemed, deliberately calling their number even though the pe…
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Memes, funny memes, plants, plant memes, house decoration, nature, Flowers, apartment, decorations, relatable, relatable memes, outside

35+ Plant Memes for House Ivy Devotees and Cacti Connoisseurs

House plants. They're incredible decorations, a great way to breathe life into a living space, and the perfect impulse purchase. Depending on the plant, they're also a magnificent way to prove to yourself that you're bad at taking care of living things. Some people should stick to cacti and succulents. Whether you start with an ivy plant, spider plant, snake plant, pothos plant, or anything else under the sun, you'll find out quickly just how addicting house plants can be. I'm the proud caretak…
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going out staying in introverts introvert memes stay at home relatable meme lol funny antisocial socializing outside inside society work from home

Stay at Home Memes for Antisocial Introverts Who Will Happily Work From Home For the Rest of Their Lives

I want to go out to the bars, but I also really really don't want to
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It's Safe Inside

Funny meme about staying inside and watching netflix.
Via god

When People Suggest Going Outside but They're Forgetting the One, Essential Truth of It All...

Via pleasekeepwarm

This Week's Cover of The New Yorker is Pretty Accurate

Via The New Yorker

He's a Very Obedient Boy

double meaning go Hall of Fame literalism misinterpretation outside play - 5251867648
Created by StormPooperSmith ( Via )

Ugh Think She Is Getting Splashed?

Animal Bomb animals gross horse outside pee women - 3532751104
Created by Brustmeister

And It's Cold Too

chili outside literalism food homophone temperature double meaning - 6937442304

Wild GameCubes Spotted in Their Natural Habitat

nintendo gamecube outside - 8462061568
Via jumpkickpunch

Little Dog, Big Bomb

animal Animal Bomb bomb dogs outside tongue - 6411184896

We're All Full of Feces

outside beauty funny - 8455742720
Created by Unknown

Outdoors VS Indoors

rage outside mom - 8438168576
Created by DissolveTheKitten

Urine Trouble!

pee outside noise night - 8319056640
Created by coffeebean13

Go Play Outside, Bud

sick truth outside video games web comics - 8281053696
Via Google
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