
one liners

Woman Comes up with the Most Hilarious Greetings to Throw Off the Telemarketers Constantly Calling Her Landline

Woman Comes up with the Funniest Greetings to Throw Off the Telemarketers Constantly Calling Her Landline

She doesn't know why she has a house phone, she doesn't even know the number to it, but boy is she having some fun with it.
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Video of a British TV host insulting an Italian chef's meal

Italian Chef Delivers Savage One-Liner After British TV Host Insults His Cooking

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That's All Folks

Caption that reads, "Friend: You've already said that joke before; Me ..." above a pic of a toy Bart Simpson that says, "Bart has six cool sayings"
Via KRaeB
movies one liners Video - 79190785

If You Plan on Killing Some, Make Sure You Memorize This Entire Video First So You'll Sound Cool

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