
on the job

A reddit story about the company treasurer withholding an employees check from October,

Treasurer Withholds Employees Check From October, Says He'll Get it in December

There's nothing worse than waiting to get paid by a shady corporation . When I worked at a restaurant during my senior year of high school, my boss told me that the clock-in system was broken. He told me not to worry and that he would ensure I got the time I worked during those shifts accounted for. I did as I was told and didn't clock in for about 5 or 6 shifts during the Christmas season. Little did I know that I would never see any of that money from those shifts. I don't know if my boss for…
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A Reddit story about a worker who gets his finger sliced off and his boss refuses to pay workers comp

Teenage Worker Gets Finger Sliced off on Machinery, Boss Refuses to Pay Workers Comp

Working a thankless customer service job can be grueling. You get regularly disrespected by both customers and your boss . Customers might yell at you or even in rare situations throw a glass at your head, but they typically don't pose real danger to your safety. They come in, they ruin your night, and then they leave. Your boss is much more likely to put you in unsafe situations due to their negligence. Sure, they might not intend to hurt you, but they do hurt you just the same through inane p…
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