
oh god why

Jesus My Taste Sucked!

Music ipod oh god why - 7422572288
Created by burstn2flames

Worst Mustache Ever

mustache shower oh god why - 7389110016

So This is How I Die...

spiders england oh god why - 7404560384

This is My Life

making rage comics oh god why rainbow guy - 7380437760
Created by nickdeo

I'm Sorry! I Didn't Know!

farts farting bathroom oh god why peeing - 7397698560

Football Rage

sports oh god why football - 7381490688

Suddenly I'm Running a Nursery

babysitting wedding oh god why - 7360592128

Oh God, I Mean... No... Wait...

oh god why - 7348947712

Why No One Wants to Be the First to Turn in Their Test

school oh god why test exams truancy story - 7315397632
Created by Y0UR_LAST_H0PE

The Grass is Always Browner on the Other Side of the Solstice

Heat summer oh god why - 7339926016

Parents Are Less Innocent Than You Think

oh god why - 7244651008

I... I Thought We Were Friends!

drinks oh god why parents betrayal - 7315277824

I'm Not THAT Stupid...

forever alone movies oh god why - 7226111232

Overnight Relief

oh god why - 7168479744
Created by ellyn9393

Nilla Wowfer

WoW oh god why - 7139908608
Created by GumboWasHere

At the Zoo

zoo parenting bad poker face oh god why - 7140799488
Created by Unknown

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