

dog dogs canine canines dog-lovers dog-owners dog-story nickname nicknames dog-names cute funny hilarious misunderstanding offended offensive

Dog Owner Mortified After Using Their Dog's Unbecoming Nickname in Front of an Acquaintance, Hilarious Misunderstanding Ensues

No self-respecting dog owner calls their dog by their given name.
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Who's The Snowflake Generation Now?

Funny meme that reads, "Back in my day we weren't so easily offended; Back in your day: ..." above a black-and-white photo of people protesting hippies
Via thegreatestimgurian
Funny dank memes entitled, "Never before have I been so offended by something I 100 percent agree with" featuring comedian James Acaster | MEMES ARE JUST INSIDE JOKES SHARE WITH COMPLETE STRANGERS INSTEAD REAL FRIENDS CHANGE MY MIND Never before have been so offended by something one hundred percent agree with. Narkissos Stop saying life is joke s not. Jokes have meaning. Never before have been so offended by something one hundred percent agree with.

Fifteen Offended Memes You Can Also Agree With

"Never before have I been so offended by something I one-hundred percent agree with"
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Funny offensive and dark memes

Lightly Offensive Memes For The Enthusiasts Of Twisted Humor

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Don't Leave Me!

Caption that reads, "When your dog leaves the room you're in" above a drawing from a pain meter with text that reads, "1-2 hurts just a little bit"
Via usernamealreadytaken123

How Things Change

Meme about how everyone is offended now.
Via Crippling Things

Add a Little Pink so It's Feminine

Hair - Barber: Whatchu want? "I want everybody to know that I'm offended by everything." Barber: Say no more
tumblr offended Video - 78090753

Tumblr Culture in a Nutshell

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Are You Offended Yet?

Via Know Your Meme

Trolls, How Do They Work

meme offended potato yo dawg - 6162594816

Bad Argument Hippie: No Offense, But That's Ridiculous

Memes offended offense - 5748583936
See all captions Created by Cottentree

Philosoraptor Knows His Women

honesty love men offended philosoraptor sex women - 5219653376
Created by jichag ( Via )