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Fed-up neighbor calls police on woman's clucking 'emotional support chickens': 'The constant racket is driving me crazy'

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'I put Baby Shark on a loop': Sleepy neighbor teaches the remodelers next door a lesson about noise courtesies by weaponizing annoying children's music

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Dad punishes 7-year-old daughter for stealing neighbor's puppy, doubles down on punishment after neighbor says their son lost the puppy: 'It's the principle, and she should listen to her father'

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Neighbor Refuses to Host a Random Kid's Birthday Party in Her Immaculate Garden, Entitled Karen Next Door Threatens to Trespass Without Permission

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'I told him to go away and get a life': Nosy boomer freaks out when neighbor paints their house peach, refuses to move to an HOA community because he's lived there 15 years

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Classless couple steals tray of food from neighborhood barbecue while everyone else is eating: 'It was the tackiest thing I've ever seen in real life'

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Family of 6 sneak into neighbor's unattended pool to host parties every year, get caught red-handed: 'She started crying'

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Greedy neighbor wrongly receives $50 takeout delivery, starts to eat it instead of giving it back: 'Do people just accept and eat other people’s food?'

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Snooty neighbor tries to charge construction worker $500 a day to park near her house, gets schooled with malicious compliance: 'I took my measuring tape and measured out 15 inches''

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'She reported my vehicle as abandoned': Karen calls cops on neighbor for parking in front of her own house

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'She reported my insured and used vehicle as abandoned': Karen calls bylaw on neighbor for parking in front of her own house

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'It has never been ok to show up to someone's house completely unannounced ': Woman claims millennials killed community spirit, millennials fight back

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HOA Resident Proposes Neighborhood Should Enforce a Dress Code to Drive up Property Values

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Resident Gets Payback Against a Bitter HOA Board Member, Revving Their Engine and Driving in Low Gears (Which are Obnoxiously Loud) to Comply With Anti-Speeding Legislature

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'This is what you get without an HOA': Snooty Man Gets Mocked After Complaining About Neighbor Not Joining Homeowner Association

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Dude Tapes Crazy Letter On His Neighbors Door After Getting Ghosted, Twitter Debates Who is The Bad Guy

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