

I've Almost Died A Few Times. Not Gonna Lie

Gif of the Most Interesting Man in the World underwater with the caption, "I don't always watch movies where someone is trapped underwater, but when I do, I hold my breath until they surface"
Via WiggleMyDick

You Don't Really Need To Watch It

Caption that reads, "When you rewatch Infinity War and see all the scenes that became a meme" above a still of Will Smith from the Fresh Prince of Bel Air taking pictures out of a taxi
Via BalloonBoy1839

Doesn't Stand A Chance

Caption that reads, "The letter I: exists; The Pixar lamp: ..." above a pic of the Pixar lamp over a guy's face saying, "I'm about to end this man's whole career"
Via memesforyourdepression42069
Funny announcement for bill and ted 3 face the music, keanu reeves, alex winter.

Keanu Reeves & Alex Winter Announce 'Bill & Ted 3: Face The Music'

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*Sigh* Here We Go

Caption that reads, "When you laugh at a dumb meme and your partner, who is not aninternet person, asks what's funny but it's like a tier-three meme and you gotta explain about seven years of internet for them to understand the nuances" above a still of Jack Black in School of Rock explaining something to a class at the blackboard
Via KingRememberedInTime1

Why Is This True?

Funny meme about how teachers wet their fingers to turn pages.
Via @memebase

A Classic

Funny meme about homeward bound movie using cursed image with furries.
Via @memebase

It's a Masterpiece

Funny meme about Cars II.
Via topeka

Time To Tidy Up

Caption that reads, "Of course Marie Kondo is at this year's Oscars" above a pic of her at the Oscars next to a pic of her saying, "I love mess"
Via youandmeandrainbows

Can't Escape The CBD

Funny meme about using cbd oil to fix everything
Via @memebase
Funny marvel memes, marvel tumblr posts, avengers endgame, bruce banner, the hulk, captain america, thanos.

28 Marvel Memes & Posts That'll Get You Revved Up For 'Endgame'

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Still of Iron Giant wearing a track suit, who represents "Russia" leaning over boy, who represents "Literally any Eastern European country"
Via Gassyburger
funny and weird amazon reviews

14 WTF Amazon Reviews That Deserve An Award For Their Absurdity

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Funny movie memes.

24 Assorted Movie Posts That'll Keep Your Brain Buzzing

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Funny meme about the godfather but with dreadlocks.
Via @memebase

These Kids Are Now 19 Years Old!!

Caption that reads, "When a teenager tells me they were born in the year 2000" above pics of Matt Damon progressively getting older in each photo
Via LongHairKindaCare

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