

motherson, affairs, fatherson, kids, mother, affair, stepmom, wife, fathers, husband, child support, financial, dad, support, Reddit, money, son, children

Affair partner pressures her husband's 17-year-old son to ask his father to stop paying unofficial spousal support so he can afford her kid's extracurricular activities: 'She told me they need all of dad's money right now'

She's got some nerve
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motherson, disappointed, disappointment, slushie, mother, field trip, parenting, dad, 7-11, mom, slurpee, son, parents, disappointing, Father, reddit story, Reddit

Mom buys 8-year-old son a slushie after a disappointing field trip, dad claims she was too soft on him: 'In the real world you just have to s*ck it up'

It's less than $2
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