
Mitt Romney

Mitt and Ann Romney Face Swap

Mitt Romney thumbs up - 6699490560
Via Reddit

Mitt Tamland

anchorman Movie Mitt Romney politics - 6697234176
Created by leighbird

The Return of Creepy Josh Romney

Michelle Obama barack obama Mitt Romney Josh Romney gifs creepy Staring debate - 6699442688
Via Gawker

(Pretending to Vote)

Mitt Romney barack obama debate laughter vote - 6696946176

Mitt Romney's Lady Plan

plan Mitt Romney infographic - 6696772864
barney frank Republicans Mitt Romney Video - 43583233

Barney Frank on Log Cabin Republicans Endorsing Mitt Romney

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You Can ~*~Imagine~*~ All the Budgets You Like in Mitt-Believe-Land!

Mitt Romney - 6696939520

I Miss Those Days

debate watching Mitt Romney barack obama nostalgia - 6686813952
See all captions Created by SpikeDawg


Mitt Romney - 6696168192
Via Citizen Schwartz

Instead of an Election, How About a Karaoke Contest?

Mitt Romney barack obama singing debate duet karaoke - 6696152832
Via Fashion Sssuicide
Mitt Romney hip hop rap money animation Video - 43538945

Mitt Romney's New Hit Single, Where You Hide Your Money

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My Cousin Barack

Mitt Romney barack obama thank you debate - 6690173440
See all captions Created by TheMemeingOfLife

This About Sums It Up of the Day

debate Mitt Romney barack obama - 6697112064
Via ShortFormBlog

The Official Beers of Jack Johnson and John Jackson, Presidential Candidates

debate beer barack obama Mitt Romney - 6697104384

Needs More Myspace Mirrorpic!

debate Mitt Romney barack obama - 6697083136

#horsesandbayonets of the Day

Mitt Romney paul ryan horses debate - 6696988928