
Mitt Romney

Friday Picspam: Political Soup

barack obama friday picspam Image Mitt Romney newt gingrich political pictures SOPA - 5708709632
Created by oyezidid

What a Tease

Image Mitt Romney political pictures - 5676770048
See all captions Created by beernbiccies

Take That, Stephenie Meyer

Image Mitt Romney political pictures twilight - 5682902272
See all captions Created by bowmanza2002

Remember the 70s

election 2012 Image Mitt Romney political pictures - 5681749248
See all captions Created by TuckerBentley
campaign ads commercial election 2012 france Mitt Romney newt gingrich political videos Republicans Video - 32157441

Je m'oppose!

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Love Machine

Image KISS Mitt Romney political pictures Republicans - 5683915776
See all captions Created by auntiewarhol

Let The Mitt Romney Comics Begin

comics election 2012 Image Mitt Romney political cartoons political pictures Republicans - 5683984128

A New Hampshire Wedding

Image Mitt Romney political pictures Republicans - 5679644160


Image Mitt Romney political pictures Rick Santorum - 5663008512
See all captions Created by MallardVHS

Adventures in Hypocrisy

election 2012 gay rights Image Mitt Romney political pictures - 5670953216
barack obama election 2012 john mccain Mitt Romney political videos Video - 31796225

He's Really Come Around

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Work Fights

barack obama Chart graph Hall of Fame Image jobs Mitt Romney political pictures - 5653567232
Via Barack Obama's Tumblr

What They Order Every Year, Really

election 2012 Image Mitt Romney political cartoons political pictures Republicans - 5653507072

Margarine of Victory

election 2012 Image iowa caucus Mitt Romney political pictures Rick Santorum - 5649202432


Image Mitt Romney newt gingrich political pictures - 5611233280
See all captions Created by cwilliams1891
Mitt Romney political videos Sesame Street Video - 31424001

Can You Tell Me How To Get to Wall Street?

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