
Mitt Romney

boo Mitt Romney obamacare political videos universal healthcare Video - 39636993

Mitt Romney Booed at NAACP Convention

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Mitt Romney's Facebook Page

Ann Romney facebook Image Mitt Romney political pictures - 6411975168
Via College Humor

Business in the Front Party in the Back

Image Mitt Romney political pictures - 6403170816
See all captions Created by laurierue

LOL, How Do I Venn Diagram?

best of week Image Mitt Romney obama politics venn diagrams - 6402232064
Via Upworthy

The Dangers of Underpaid Campaign Staffers

Image Mitt Romney political pictures - 6399224320
Created by PrincessWordplay

So Totally Relatable

Image Mitt Romney political pictures water - 6395809280
See all captions Created by OniDrEvil

Todd Martin Totally Looks Like Mitt Romney

funny Image Mitt Romney politics TLL - 6393405696
Created by totallydood87

Too Humane

dogs Image Mitt Romney political pictures Republicans - 6380359680
See all captions Created by OniDrEvil

The Dog People Never Forget

dogs Image Mitt Romney political pictures Republicans - 6376316416

Two Things To Never Discuss In Polite Society

barack obama Image Mitt Romney my little pony newt gingrich political pictures - 6372987136
Via RicRobinCagnaan

One-Man Army

Congress Image Mitt Romney political pictures Republicans war - 6371778816

Low Rollers

Image Mitt Romney political pictures Republicans the onion - 6359623168
Via The Onion
family Mitt Romney political videos Republicans Video - 39107841

All in the Family

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My Arm is Getting Tired

ice cream Image Mitt Romney outsourcing political pictures - 6345160448
See all captions Created by kenbaker
bus tour democrats election 2012 Mitt Romney political videos Video - 39069697

Team Romneymobile

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Amurrika the Burrtiful

election Mitt Romney Other politics - 6340888832