
Mitt Romney

Wanna Hear a Joke?

meme Mitt Romney paul ryan poor people totally looks like - 6552676096

He's Got the Election in the Bag

2012 barack obama election mashup Mitt Romney - 6552568064

What a Twist!

chair Clint Eastwood Mitt Romney president rnc - 6553305856

Mitt's Super Kawaii Head Tilt

anime cute desu Mitt Romney - 6553286144
Via Night Writer

This Happened During Romney's Speech

democracy Mitt Romney Protest rnc - 6553252352

Romney's Speech Right Now

meme Mitt Romney rnc speech - 6553246208

So They Got Eastwood Instead

Ann Romney Mitt Romney rnc Ronald Reagan - 6552700672

Romney's Frenemies

endorsement Mitt Romney past quotes - 6550315520

Here Comes the Money!

barack obama election 2012 Mitt Romney politics - 6544783872
Via Forbes

It's Fun to Stay At The

dance Mitt Romney paul ryan song - 6506782464
See all captions Created by jdubhub

Why Didn't I Think of That?

meme Mitt Romney rich - 6547977984

Republicon 2012

Chris Christie Mitt Romney paul ryan rnc - 6547719168

An Affordable Alternative to Obamacare

healthcare Mitt Romney obamacare - 6388190464
See all captions Created by seattley3k

The Romneys Don't Look Too Enthralled with Christie's Speech

angry bored Chris Christie Mitt Romney speech tired - 6548240896

Where We Built it Isn't the Point

China Mitt Romney outsourcing we did build it - 6457517824
See all captions Created by Dark-Wraith

Top Presidential Money Donors

barack obama Chart infographic Mitt Romney money - 6544892672
Via Forbes