

ok boomer, millennial, boomer, entitlement, kids, lazy, millennials, millenials, misunderstanding, millenial, baby boomers, boomers, entitled, pathetic, Reddit, entitled people

Mom incessantly insults millennials, discovers 'millennial' doesn't mean a lazy, pathetic, entitled person: 'She called a 80-ish year old lady at her church a millennial'

Her kids are millennials...
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roomie roomies roommate roommates bad-roommate best-friend friend friends friendship nitpicking overreact overcharged accident misunderstanding reddit crazy

Nitpicking roommate overreacts after being accidentally overcharged by $6: 'You were supposed to be my best friend'

'That went from 0 to 100 real quick'
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dog dogs canine canines dog-lovers dog-owners dog-story nickname nicknames dog-names cute funny hilarious misunderstanding offended offensive

Dog Owner Mortified After Using Their Dog's Unbecoming Nickname in Front of an Acquaintance, Hilarious Misunderstanding Ensues

No self-respecting dog owner calls their dog by their given name.
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No, They Don't

Caption that reads, "I'm not sure Disney fully understands what a pirate is" above a pic of Disney pirate cartoon characters holding up a sign that reads, "A good pirate never takes another person's property!"
Via ChaosSymphony

Ohhhh, Moms

Woman mistakenly sends her auto insurance agent pics of herself in front, rear and side views when the insurance agent meant pics of her car
Via skulllover

The Pinnacle of Misinterpretation

Via Channelate

Lost in Translation

web comics english Lost in Translation
Via pitchblack

You Also Didn't Need to Dress Up

web comics misunderstanding You Also Didn't Need to Dress Up
Via dodgycomics

It Really Restricts My Movement

misunderstanding shapes funny web comics - 7831827968
Via Iguana Mouth

Being a Chemist is Serious Bismuth

abbreviations elements misinterpretation misunderstanding Chemistry double meaning - 7022648320
Via Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal


hilarious misunderstanding relationship spices - 6343610624
Created by cattsy

Misunderstood Shark

misunderstanding misunderstood mitch Sad shark - 5973917184
Created by funnymexican013


hilarious midgets misunderstanding puns - 5725026816
Created by mattinator03


double meaning innuendo literalism misinterpretation mistake misunderstanding - 5126148864

Social Awkward Penguin: More Misundertsanding

hearing misunderstanding socially awkward penguin typo yes - 5091615232
See all captions Created by thehorve


answer comic date derp double meaning forever alone literalism misunderstanding question rage comic Rage Comics - 4900065792
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