
middle aged

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'Stop being so insecure, nobody is thinking about you as much as you think': Men in their 40s give advice to men in their 20s

So true
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aging, old, health, young, youth, biohack, middle aged, supplements, pills, healthy, unhealthy, wtf, interview, reaction, tiktok, twitter

Anti-Aging Billionaire Gets Clowned for Sharing 111 Pill Supplement Regime Meant to Stop Him Getting Old

$2 million a year for this
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Funny memes from Instagram account "Middle Class Fancy" | [this week on house hunters] Husband 1,200 stimulus check Wife 1,200 stimulus check budget: 3.69 million | working hard or hardly working middleclassfancy Leonardo Dicaprio laughing

17 'Middle Class Fancy' Gems For All Your Suburban Dreams

Hey Nance ;)
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middle class fancy, suburbs, funny, funny memes, funny tweets, lol, middle class memes, facebook, baby boomers, normies, middle aged | My dad sneaks his remote into local bar so he can change channel he doesn't like they have on | Hello recently asked multiple people if they would like throw hands Upon further review discovered this did not mean pray. My children informed meant "fight apologize those affected by have said. Thank

27 'Middle Class Fancy' Memes For Suburban Normies

Memes for people who love cracking open a cold one with the boys
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Funny video sketch about a group of Karens fighting with each other at a playground

Video Sketch Imagines How Karens Interact With Each Other In The Wild

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'Janet You Have To See This May-May I Found!'

Example of a Minion meme that a middle-aged mom would find hilarious
Via BlackMarbleParachute

Excuse Me Sir

Caption that reads, "I'll bet my entire life savings that she's standing there because she's waiting to talk to the manager" above a pic of a middle-aged woman with a short haircut waiting in a restaurant
Via dragonpossum

That Makes Sense

Still of Kit Harrington's character in Game of Thrones saying, "Since it's impossible to know which part of my life is the middle, I've decided to have an ongoing crisis"
Via sergeantangua

Yo Habla Bueno Espanol!!

Caption that reads, "45-year-old white ladies in Mexican restaurants after saying 'gracias' to the waiter" above a pic of a middle-aged white woman looking pleased with herself
Via yoboithememegod

You Must Defeat All Of The Bosses

Pics of various middle-aged women who demand to speak to the manager, ending with a 'final boss' with huge hair who says, "I require the presence of the board of directors"
Via CosmicSentinel

So True

Tumblr post about how middle-aged moms act on Facebook
Via theblondedevil

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