
 antiwork work workplace workplace-stories coworkers toxic-workplace Boss bosses toxic-boss bad bosses job working toxic-work-environment Reddit reddit thread reddit story terrible coworkers period menstruation tampons

Nosy coworker calls woman out for leaving tampon applicator and wrapper in work trashcan, claims 'she need[s] to be more discreet because it is a mixed bathroom': 'People have different tolerance levels'

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20+ Relatable Menstrual Memes for Cranky Crones Suffering From Crippling Cramps and Mood Swings

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Childish Man Gets Roasted After Scolding Wife for Throwing Menstrual Pad Away in Brother-In-Law’s Trashcan

Funny memes about menstrual cramps and pain, periods

Painfully Relatable Period Memes For People Who Menstruate

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Woman’s Date Baffles Redditors With His Ridiculous Misunderstanding Of Periods

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Dumb People Who Have Zero Understanding Of Human Anatomy

Twitter thread from @brownandbella baout the dumbest things men have said about sex and reproductive health | tweet by Varah T @VarahTs 7h Replying brownandbella and @ReignOfApril coworker genuinely thought women did all our business, including birth, out 1 hole. He his late 20s went on lunch

Women Share Dumb Things Men Have Said To Them About Sex And Women's Health

cringey social media posts, sex, menstruation, sex education, cringe, cringeworthy | so inspiring Why do girls keep having periods they hate them? Just stop having them, do makes happy | Julia Carpenter @juliaccarpenter This is happens let men write books partiar denture unat ne aiscreetly wrapped Kleenex and micked inpocket his suit coat he thougn ous wasn't watching. But she bathroom door didn't altogether close, due old frame house settling over centuries, and she had sit on toilet some

Dumb & Cringey People Who Need To Take Sex Ed

Funny and stereotypical memes about being a woman | two cats hugging my friend don't have any pads got some? Friend: Yeah got | without concealer vs with 5 layers concealer D.W. Arthur eye bags

20 Feminine Memes Full Of Dumb Stereotypes

Funny memes for women about periods | Disney's Moana movie character Te Fiti Te ka on regular day on my period | friends screenshot Boys: periods can't be bad rachel and joey NO UTERUS NO OPINION

Period Memes That Dudes Will Never Understand

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Eighteen Bloody Hilarious Period Memes For The Ladies

Funny memes about menstruation

18 Relatable Period Memes For Those On Red Alert

International Women's Day Memes

17 Relatable Memes For The Ladies In Honor Of International Women's Day

Funny period memes and comics, menstruation.

24 Menstrual Memes For All The Ladies In The Struggle

women reveal their period confessions on whisper

17 Period Confessions From Women Dealing With A Crime Scene In Their Pants

Funny period memes.

35 Bloody-Good Period Memes For When Aunt Flo Is In Town

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