
A TikTok about a husband who thinks his wife pees and gives birth from the same place.

Clueless Dude Thinks His Wife Pees and Gives Birth From the Same Place

Guy solves gender conflicts by telling people to be nicer to each other in viral tiktok

Dude Solves The Gender Wars With Genius TikTok

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Twitter Likes Its Men Trampy, As Revealed By Provocative New Meme

People clap back at woman who says men cant drink fruity drinks

People Slam Woman For Saying Men Shouldn't Order Fruity Drinks

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Desperate Dirtbags & Softbois Who Probably Never Get Laid

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Women Make Sobering Allegation That Catcalling Can Have An Age Limit

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Cringey Messages & Pathetic Pick Up Lines From Desperate Softbois

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Christian Debunks Purity Culture Advocate Who Claims Women Get Aroused Riding Horses

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Man Uses Height Boosting Shoe Inserts For Date, Prompting Jokes And Debate

Funny tweets about the small reasons that they stopped seeing others | @inkedbyharms what's the smallest reason u dubbed a man? i'll go first, he ordered a small beverage

People Share the Pettiest Reasons They Stopped Seeing Someone

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Cis Men Do an ‘Ask Me Anything’ and the Thread Is Surprisingly Wholesome

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Dude Fascinates The Internet After Girlfriend’s Plea About Tunnel Digging Obsession

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Mansplaining Memes Get Even More Awkward With “John Silver Explaining To Anna Jay”

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Guy Gets Filmed Creeping On Woman, Starts Debate About Privacy

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Woman’s Date Baffles Redditors With His Ridiculous Misunderstanding Of Periods

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15+ Men Talk About The Outrageous Things That Made Them Walk Out On A First Date