
memes about memes

Exhale vs. LOL

Funny meme about how you laugh differently when you're alone vs when you're with people, spongebob | when you see a funny meme alone blowing breath through nose with friends montage of spongebob laughing
Via retro_pickle69

And I'm Not Going To Follow The Account Either

Funny Lisa Simpson presentation meme about when your friend sends you a meme on Instagram and the account is private | I cannot see the post you sent me because the account was private
Via LeoSenior

Yeah, So Helpful

Funny meme that reads, "*Global conflict breaks out;* people: ..." above a still of Danny DeVito saying, "So anyway, I started meme-ing"
Via FreeThinkingGuy

Narrator: Bae Was *Not* Happy With Richard

Caption that reads, "Her: Can you just have a normal conversation with me? Him: When bae is mad AF; Her: This isn't a meme Richard" above a stock photo of a couple fighting
Via richprich

Haven't Been The Same Since

Pic of a baby being terrified by a dog wearing a horse mask, with the caption, "Therapist: 'Okay so what's your earliest childhood memory?' Me:..."
Via aquastar9999981337

Not Everyone Is On The Same Page Here

Meme of Spongebob trying to figure out how to explain memes to a significant other
Via ear1ight