
A story about a crazy karen who wants to wear her old wedding dress to her husbands cousins wedding.

Attention-Seeking Woman Insists on Wearing Wedding Dress to a Family Wedding

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"I’m not paying $10 to watch everyone else eat" Man Ditches Wife's Birthday Dinner Because He Hates the Restaurant

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Dramatic Times People Interrupted a Wedding Ceremony to Object to the Marriage

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Selfish Dude Begs Wife to Open Relationship, Changes His Mind When She Has More Fun Than Him

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Unemployed Husband Uses Deranged Logic to Justify Keeping Lights & Faucets on All Day

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'Gamer Wife' Causes Controversy by Posting About Relationship Dynamic

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Twitter Users Dunk on Dubious 'Advice' About Finding a Rich Man to Marry

People react to Cringey video from polyamorous couple on TikTok, Funny tweets, gaslighting, relationships

People React to Cringey TikTok About Navigating a Polyamorous Relationship

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Weekly Internet Roundup: Husband Nachos, Bluesky Invite Codes, and a Totally British Non-Fugitive

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'If I don't feed him he literally won't eat': Woman Faces Backlash for Making Man Child Husband Nachos After He Refused Her Dinner

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Commitment-Phobe Refuses to Marry Girlfriend, Loses It When She Gets Engaged to His Friend

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Bridezilla Bans Bridesmaid From Wearing Glasses, Gets Hit With Malicious Compliance

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Tradwife Gets Roasted For Insisting the World 'Condemns' Women Who Are Homemakers

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YouTuber Alpha M Gets Roasted for Videos About Cheating on Wife

‘No Logic Allowed’ : Stupid Things Kids Do That Garnered Facepalms From the Tired Pool of Parents

‘No Logic Allowed’ : Stupid Things Kids Do That Garnered Facepalms From the Tired Pool of Parents

People roast redditor for relationship problem, expects to be

Delusional Husband Demands Wife Introduce Him As Pilot Despite Having Zero Piloting Experience