

Dad withdraws kids' financial support after they fail to do their house chores, he uses the money to hire a maid to clean the house instead: ‘I found a solution’

Dad withdraws kids' financial support after they fail to do their house chores, he uses the money to hire a maid to clean the house instead: ‘I found a solution’

Justice is a dish best served clean
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reddit, reddit thread, aita, housework, chores, maid, kid, foster parents, cooking, cleaning, family, debt

Foster parents demand that 12-year-old foster child constantly cooks and cleans for them, get offended when she doesn't want to help them out of debt as a 32-year-old adult: 'After the way they treated me, they have no right to ask for anything'

She deserves to move on
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31 Neat N' Tidy Memes to Help Procrastinate Cleaning Your Room

Gotta clean my room to get my life back together– it's a science
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Some Heroes Don't Wear Capes

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Via CenturionElite

He's Got Some Cleaning to Do

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Shoulda Learned More English Than Spanish, Dora

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What Do We Want? Lemon Pledge.

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Clean Gusta

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The Cheating Wife

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