

26 hilariously relatable magician memes for folks who truly believe they got the magic in them

26 Magician Memes for Folks Who Might Be the Next Houdini

and some cardistry memes because apparently they're different things
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wizardry, sorcerer, relatable memes, witch, funny memes, sorcery, wizard, dank memes, Memes, magician, magical, wizards, meme, magic, mages

40+ Magical Wizard Memes For Mystical Mages And Mystics

Strange magic
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magic, magic memes, magical, magician, trick, hobby, memes, funny, funny memes, dumb memes

Magic Memes For Magicians Who Always Have a Card Up Their Sleeve

It's not a trick... it's an illusion
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wizardry, Albus Dumbledore, dumbledore, funny memes, gandalf, wizard, Memes, magician, magical, wizards, magic, funny meme

30 Magical Wizard Memes For Potion-Brewing, Magic Scepter-Waving Fans of Merlin, Gandalf, and Dumbledore

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Take That

Stock photo of a guy wearing a magician's outfit saying, "And for my next trick I will dissapear" next to panel of that has a pic of a pear and him saying, "f*ck you pear you taste like sh*t"
Via interesseret

*Dead Joke

Via berkelymews

The Gist Just Ain't Gonna Cut It

Via piecomic

This is Why You Should Never Scare a Magician

Via Channel Ate
photobomb news magician Video - 72987905

Two Magicians Pull Off the Greatest News Photobomb of All Time

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It's Nature, Not Nuture

learn magician philosoraptor tricks - 6428857344

I Want Magic and Magnets

boring magician Mormon Chat mormons - 6299702784
Created by MorganB123

My Aunt Is a Witch

breathing magician Memes nose witch wizard - 5685508864
Created by AddisenHunter


magic magician - 4043313920

Darwin Potter

Darwin evolution IRL magic magician - 6104403200
Created by Fawfulster