listen to your friends

 Reddit reddit thread reddit story aita AITAH friends friendship best friends friend listen to your friends relationships relationship advice discourse conflict story storytime drama friend drama roommates psycho roommate bad roommates sublease sublet

Woman sublets her room but insists on sleeping on shared couch 2x per week, doesn't run it by roommate: 'What does the landlord think of all this?'

 Reddit reddit thread reddit story aita AITAH friend listen to your friends relationships relationship advice discourse conflict story storytime drama friend drama coworkers terrible coworkers coworker workplace workplace-stories

'You are not his boss or his mother': Coworker calls out peer for looking unkempt and messy at a meeting, others call him out for being 'out of line'

 Reddit reddit thread reddit story aita AITAH friends friendship best friends friend listen to your friends relationships relationship advice discourse conflict story storytime drama friend drama restaurant splitting the bill money money problems

22-year-old man orders $85 lobster at dinner with friends, insist they split the bill evenly despite their entrees costing $20: 'This isn't his first time mooching'

 Reddit reddit thread reddit story aita AITAH friends friendship best friends friend listen to your friends relationships relationship advice discourse conflict story storytime drama friend drama peer pressure car ride boyfriend

22-year-old girl forces friend to sit on guy friend's lap for 1.5 hour drive, gets mad when she Ubers home: 'Sarah tried to argue, but my ride showed up, so I left'

 money problems Reddit reddit thread reddit story aita AITAH friends friendship best friends friend listen to your friends relationships relationship advice discourse conflict story storytime shoes platform shoes shoes off barefoot theatre Tags

Theatergoer kicks off shoes while seated at a play, friend calls them out, sparking a months-long argument: 'There's a dress code to live up to'

 family feud money money problems Reddit reddit thread reddit story aita AITAH friends friendship best friends borrowing money lending money debt discourse listen to your friends

29-year old who constantly borrows money from friend, including a $300 'emergency PS5,' without re-paying then bothers him for $60: 'You still owe me hundreds, and I've never hounded you about it

 friends friendship best friends listen to your friends dinner party dinner invitation invitations comfort zone Party party time parties boundaries silent experimental pretentious Reddit reddit thread reddit story

Hosts condescend to friend who declined their invitation to a 'silent dinner party,' call them close-minded and unsupportive: 'They said it was supposed to make them mindful and improve their non-verbal connection'

 reddit reddit thread reddit story aita friends Friendship listen to your friends friend drama drama argument Apartment living together houseguest Roommates dispute crash Hotel

'She is not a friend but a freeloader': Entitled woman stays at friend's apartment 4-5 days a month and doesn't clean up, is offended when friend pushes back