
Make a list and never follow up on it. That's the way to procrastinate. Luckily you can just as easily procrastinate with a bunch of hilarious lists. Win-win.

list gifs awesome movies - 261125

10 Animated Movie Poster GIFs That Provide Hope The Future of Posters Will Be Animated

rumors list video games Video Game Coverage - 258821

[Rumor] From Software Working on Game Called Project Beast. Here Are Some Screenshots.

running husky dog photohsops

Photoshop Battle of the Day: The Very Happy Husky

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20 Seinfeld GIFs to Celebrate Seinfeld's 3rd 20th Birthday

list knockoffs Pokémon trading cards wtf - 255237

A Sneak Peek at New Pokémon Ca... *Ahem*... I Mean Magic Baby Cards

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All NBA Teams Crossed With Pokémon

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The Latest Meme from "The Fault in Our Stars" is Smoking Hot

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These 5 GIFs Showcase One of The Coolest Dogs of All Time

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Game of Thrones is Actually Just a Disney Movie

Twitter fight between Dan Stapleton and Angry YouTuber

Both Parties Look Ridiculous When IGN Reviews Editor Dan Stapleton Calls Out YouTuber Angry Joe on Twitter

adult coloring book

Single Topic Blog of the Day: Coloring Book Corruptions Takes the Wholesome and Makes it Dirty

Pokémon art list - 243973

Pokémon Recreated With Rolled Up Paper Strips (Known as Paper Quilling)

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WTF! These Playstation 2 Covers From an Iraq Market Make Zero Sense

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9 GIFs Showing That Nintendo Has Created The Best Game Ever

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Bad Screenshots From Otherwise Good Looking Video Games

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12 Mindwarping GIFs of Fruit And Vegetables Being Scanned By an MRI