
Make a list and never follow up on it. That's the way to procrastinate. Luckily you can just as easily procrastinate with a bunch of hilarious lists. Win-win.

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Warner Bros Released DC's Movie Slate For the Next Six Years

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23 of the Best Mii Fighter Creations in Super Smash Bros.

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NBA2K15's Face Scanner is Creating Grotesque Nightmare Fuel

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Thirteen of the Sweetest KOs in Super Smash Bros 4

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Video Game Characters Shopped Onto Real Life Scenery Resembling the Game the Character is From

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Photographer Sandro Miller Recreates Iconic Portraits With John Malkovich as the Subject

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A Beginner's Guide to This Season's Superhero TV

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10 GIFs of Cats Dealing With Toilet Paper Plus 2 Surprises Because Life is Short

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SPOILERS AHEAD: Someone's Got an Early Copy of Smash and is Leaking All Over the Place

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13 GIFs Of Animals Getting Brushed to Remind You to Brush Aside Any Negativity

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Why Don't These 8 Objects Exist in the Real World?

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Birds Feeding Other Animals Reminds Us All To Share The Wealth

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SPOILERS: The Supposed Fake Super Smash Bros. Leaks Are Real! Lots of Videos and Pics Inside!

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Photoshop Battle of the Day: The Happy Baby Wombat

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PSX Versions of Modern Games

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PSX Versions of Modern Games