


funny meme about younger cousin destroying lego city, aunt, this is fine | godzilla as some baby that came to my birthday party destroying my lego city that i spent two years on, dog saying this fine while sitting in a burning house as aunt who was letting him do whatever he wanted
Via u/snap_oh_meme


Funny 'me and the boys' meme made out of legos.
Via dankmemesgang
dumb memes

34 Dumb Memes That'll Help You Hit Your Brain's Off-Switch

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Those Sneaky Bastards

Caption that reads, "What legos do when we're not looking" above a pic of a bunch of legos plotting on where to be to hurt human feet
Via StopYaCryin10

Going Places

Funny meme about legos, Twitter
Via dankmemesgang

Well There Goes My Plans For The Afternoon

"When you turn 100 and you can't play with Legos anymore"
Via NoEffort4points
Awesome and random and funny memes about rick and morty, dogs, cats, school, pets, friends, dating, love, star wars, web comics, legos, weed, twitter.

A Mega Batch Of 50 Funny Memes To Help You Decompress

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Funny meme about being a bad boy by using illegal lego moves.
Via distinguishedbaloney

Life Aint Fair

Funny meme about getting old and not being able to play legos.
Via distinguishedbaloney


Funny meme about watching Legos in 4k, really creepy lego man that is supposed to look like he has flesh.
Via funnieronline

What To Expect When You're Expecting

Funny meme about preparing to be a father, the image is of a man walking on a treadmill covered in legos. It's funny because when you're a parent legos cause you a lot of pain.
Via fvckyoumeme

Meet at the Arch

Funny meme about Legos plotting attacks against feet.
Via jedipadmaster

Lego Star Wars: Only Star Wars

Perfection meme that concludes that Lego Star Wars is the real star wars.
Via _Finland_
Harry Potter legos Video - 83623937

Harry Potter Summed up in 90 Seconds... And in Legos

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This Is an Advancement for Civilization

image legos raspberry This Is an Advancement for Civilization
Via krisajenkins
explosion slow motion planes legos crash Video - 82006529

This Slow Motion Building Crash Shows That LEGO Fuel Can't Melt Plastic Beams

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