

Never Do Something Right

lazy funny mad men - 7992139008

Hooray for the Lazy

efficiency lazy funny - 7975248640

Hooray for Doing Nothing

fun procrastination lazy funny - 7973071104

'Merica: The Home of the Lazy Geniuses

merica lazy - 7962114048

One Great Teacher

lazy funny teacher sleepy - 7950357760

After Seeing This You Won't Want to Be Lazy Ever Again

elevators lazy Memes - 7939749120

Soo Cold, Must Be Prepared to Lose a Toe to Frostbite

lazy morning Pie Chart waking up - 7935177728
Created by ThisPoisonedOne

Mondays Who Needs Them?

lazy work funny - 7933456128

Damn Kids Are So Lazy

kids lazy funny wtf - 7926043648

But It's the Thought That Counts

lazy money lunch funny - 7921813248

Well I Think It's Time They Get On With It

pregnancy wtf lazy funny web comics - 7890731520
Via Toro Baggins

The Definition of Lazy

gifs lazy funny - 7881283840

Life Is Like a Game of Horsehoes

lazy idiots funny - 7876218368

The Easiest Way to Clear a Table

gifs lazy messy funny - 7878480128
Created by HelloGeneric

Winnie the Pooh Knows What's Up

lazy college winnie the pooh - 7863990528

The Shortcuts Are Sometimes the Longest

doghouse diaries Bar Graph lazy work - 7856325888
Via doghouse diaries