

mom, influencer, kids, daughter, christmas, gifts, presents, meltdown, debate, controversy, tiktok, twitter

Mommy Influencer Sparks Controversy With Meltdown Over Kid Opening Everybody's Christmas Presents

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A compilation of funny tweets about parenting for parents and by parents

The Funniest Parenting Tweets of the Week (December 29, 2022)

Howdy, and hey, parents! I hope you're having a good post-holidays week with your kids. I'm sure there's lots of playing with toys and hanging around going on, which sounds splendid. Luckily for y'all, the difficult part of the holidays is over! Now, all you have to do is put up with your kids for the next week or so before they head back to school. Piece of cake , right? Even if your holidays didn't go exactly how you planned, they could always go worse. You could be that mom who filmed her to…
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kids, kids these days, children, students, teacher, life lessons, learning, twitter thread, funny twitter, funny

Teacher Asks Kids What They've Learned This Year, Their Answers Do Not Disappoint

Vital life skills
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A compilation of crazy posts from parenting and mom facebook groups

The Craziest Posts From the Depths of Mom Facebook Groups

If you've ever been in a “[CITY YOU LIVE IN] Moms Facebook Group” you know that they are some of the wildest places on the internet. They are crazier than Reddit. Some are even crazier than 4Chan. These platforms are cesspools for the most insane opinions regarding child rearing that you'll ever seen. At least 70% of these people don't want to bring their children within 50 feet of a doctors office for their entire lives. They tattle on and bully their neighbors for having the wrong color of di…
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elf on the shelf, tiktok, philosophy, elf, elves, festive, christmas, interesting, tiktok

Professor Explains Wild Sociological Interpretation Behind Elf on the Shelf

Never looking at it the same way again
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this week's funniest parenting memes

Weekly Treat of Funniest Parenting Memes for the Moms and Dads Who Need a Good Laugh Out Loud Right Now (December 23, 2022)

Ooooooh baby, it's the holiday season and the kids are home and all yours. It's a beautiful family time kind of holiday, but also, you have to do SO much for the kids. You don't have to, but you're a parent, so you want to do everything you can to make the holidays as special as possible for your kids. They might not appreciate it now, in fact, they definitely don't because the big guy in red (Santa) gets all the credit, but they'll appreciate it once they're older. In fact, from all of us here…
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Reddit story about negligent parents trying to pawn off their children on a babysitter on Christmas day

Negligent Parents Try To Pawn Off Their Children Onto a Babysitter On Christmas Day

Mother & father of the year
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A compilation of funny tweets by parents about parenting

The Funniest Parenting Tweets of the Week (December 22, 2022)

It's that time of the year…the kids are out of school, and they are going hog wild . I do not envy parents who stay home with their kids three days before Christmas. Their little bodies can barely hold so much anticipation, which leads to a lot of frantic energy coming your way. This time of year can be highly stressful, and there are very few things that can calm down kids who are so excited about Santa Claus. At the same time, there is something so special about having a couple of weeks to sp…
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A compilation of funny memes for and by teachers about teaching

Teacher Memes For Teachers Enjoying Their Winter Break

It's finally time for teachers to take a load off. It seems like this semester has been rough for everyone, and every teacher who taught this fall needs a well-deserved break to catch up on their sleep. So many people give teachers crap about having a summer and a winter break . They think that because their office job is all year long, they must work harder than anyone who gets a considerable period of time off. What those people don't know is that teachers have to spend a lot of their breaks…
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relationships, marriage, cheating, adultery, kids, parenting, reddit, reddit thread, am i the asshole, aita, ex

Guy Has An Affair and Then Expects Ex-Wife to Take Care of New Wife's Kids

The entitlement is unreal.
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funny parenting memes for moms and dads

Weekly Treat of Funniest Parenting Memes for the Moms and Dads Who Need a Good Laugh Out Loud Right Now (December 16, 2022)

Why does putting the kids to bed have to be an Olympic sport every dang time??
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A compilation of funny tweets about parenting and kids

The Funniest Parenting Tweets of the Week (December 15, 2022)

To be a parent or to not be a parent. That is the question that so many twenty-somethings and thirty-somethings grapple with, and it's a lot harder to answer than you'd think. Of course, some people don't have a choice in whether they become parents. Babies sometimes just happen to people, and that's that. But for those with the privilege of family planning, it's all about the timing. Some people want to have kids as soon as possible, and some have to scramble toward the finish line, with the s…
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gaming, funny, online gaming, video games, parents, kids, parenting, reddit, reddit thread, askreddit

Parents Reveal Some of the Weirdest Things They've Heard Their Kids Say While Gaming

Kids say the darndest things
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A compilation of tweets by parents about parenting

The Funniest Parenting Tweets of the Week (December 8, 2022)

As far as I can remember, I was a pretty easy kid to parent. All I wanted to do was to do good by the adults in my life, which, shockingly, doesn't make me the most rebellious kid. There are always exceptions to the “easy child” rule, and mine was during Christmastime of my 4th-grade year. I was hearing some rumblings at school about the realness of certain Christmas icons. I felt so angry at these rumors that I went to my dad several times and said, “everyone at school says Santa isn't real, b…
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A compilation of memes about pregnancy and being pregnant

Pregnancy Memes For Expecting Mothers Who Need a Good Laugh

The brilliant minds of Yahoo Answers inspired one of the funniest viral videos asking a seemingly simple question : “Am I Pregant? Am I pragnent? Am i pargant? Am i gregnant? Am i pegnate?? Help!? Is there a possibly that i’m pegrent? Am I pregegant or am I okay? Could I be pregonate?How do I know if I’M prengan? Can i be pregnant???? Can u get pregnant...? Can u bleed while u are pergert? Can u down a 20 foot waterslide pegnat? How can i get my gf pragnet? What happen when get pergenat? How ca…
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the best fresh parenting memes from this week

Weekly Treat of Parenting Memes for the Moms and Dads Who Need a Good Laugh Out Loud Right Now (December 2, 2022)

Sometimes you just have to allow your child to wreck the place so you can get a moment—don't worry, every parent has done it.
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