
 childcare Babies aita infant kids moms parenting dad cute kids reddit thread parent Reddit raising kids Parenting Fail parents children Parenting FAILS scary halloween haunted house

Neglectful 22-year-old mom brings 5-year-old and infant to haunted house despite friends warning, the kids have meltdowns: 'Those poor kids'

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Boomer Parents Upset Son Refuses to Pay $12,000 for His Family of 5 to Join Their 2-Week Vacation

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The Most Entertaining Parenting Posts of the Week (October 7, 2024)

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Neighbor Refuses to Host a Random Kid's Birthday Party in Her Immaculate Garden, Entitled Karen Next Door Threatens to Trespass Without Permission

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Choosy beggar mom asks for free childcare from stay-at-home sister, demands she make separate meals and keep a separate schedule: 'She's being such a diva'

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‘Girl… WHAT??’: Woman tries to hijack her cousin's wedding for a gender reveal, gets taught a lesson in humility by an angry bride

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22 Best Parenting Memes for Witty Moms and Dads Parenting the Best They Can Every Single Week (October 5, 2024)

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'You aren't starving your children': Overstepping woman criticizes how brother-in-law feeds his children, calls it 'insanity' that they have more than 3 meals a day

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Aunt refuses to take 8-year-old niece out for meals after she continuously orders $50 worth of food and refuses to eat it: 'She will ask for 50 piece nuggets, large fries, deluxe quarter pounder with cheese and two shakes with two ice creams'

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25+ of the Funniest Parenting Tweets of the Week (October 3, 2024)

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Parents Pressure 16-Year-Old Son to Change His Name After Admitting They Regret Their Choice, Son Stands His Ground

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'Karmic justice': Successful sister refuses to let her older brother and his family move in with her because when she was still down and out, he evicted her without warning

School uses social media to inform students school day is canceled, uninformed student ends up waiting 40 minutes for the bus: ‘Can't even be bothered to send a text’

School uses social media to inform students school day is canceled, uninformed student ends up waiting 40 minutes for the bus: ‘Can't even be bothered to send a text’

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Stepmom refuses to spend $1000 on gifts from her baby to her 8 and 9-year-old stepdaughters, grandparents accuse her of not caring about the girls: 'My husband said it's just another negative for our son if we don't'

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Supermom Boosts Her Son's Self-Confidence By Making Him Book His Own Doctor's Appointments, Wholesome Video Goes Viral of His Earnest Reaction

 childcare Babies aita infant kids moms parenting dad cute kids pregnant reddit thread parent Reddit raising kids Parenting Fail parents children Parenting FAILS push present gifts

'I thought she was joking': Mom of newborn asks for a new car for 'push present,' husband responds she's not worthy