

subway, employee, complaining, work, job, cookies, debate, tiktok

Subway Worker Prompts Debate After Complaining About Having To Bake Cookies

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job, work, quit, quitting, announcement, coworkers, management, walmart, tiktok

Disgruntled Worker Quits Retail Job, Calls Out Management On Store Intercom

The definition of a mic drop
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coffee, birth, work, job, customer, server, wtf, funny, funny twitter

Workplace Mishap Leads To Entertaining Thread On The Perils Of Being A Server

Zero to one hundred real quick
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target, customer service, chat, online chat, customer, marriage, personal, funny twitter

Target Chat Agent Gets Real With Customer, People Relate

Sucks to be him
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work, job, job application, voicemail, rejection, professional, controversy, tiktok

Woman Gets Passed Up For Job Because Of Her Voicemail

How is this fair?
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controversy, linkedin, employee, recruitment, money, hiring, salary, raise, twitter

Recruiter Faces Backlash For Lowballing Unsuspecting Job Candidate

Bad hiring practice 101
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job, manager, boss, catfish, date, dating, first date, excuse, lies, texting, crazy, tiktok

Woman Gets Catfished By Her Own Boss

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job, jobs, work, trick, code, IT, technology, tech support, story, reddit, coding

Redditor Gets Hailed As A Hero After Fully Automating Job

Wait until you realize how much they get paid.
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work, job, career, office, slacker, confession, reddit, debate, coworkers

Corporate Slacker Confession Starts Debate On Usefulness Of White Collar Jobs

Sounds like the life.
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Ex-service industry tell all on TikTok about toxic work places

"Customers Suck, but it's Exponentially Worse When It's Your Boss:" TikTok Reveals Toxic Workplaces Within the Service Industry and Sparks Controversy

Imagine if Karen was your boss.
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customer service, retail, retail hell, retail workers, yikes, cringe, customers, stupid people, facepalm, reddit, karen, jobs, holidays, black friday | 10k Damages Over 10 Cent Overcharge Medium This happened few years ago working at large upscale beauty supply Wigs/ Weaves/etc Our register bit old fashioned so had punch some items by hand. Usually not big deal, but definitely left some room human error. One day woman came and my coworker pressed wrong button and overcharged her by 10cents

Retail Warriors Share Seriously Nightmarish Customer Stories

Remember to be kind to workers
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funny job interview tweets | Pistol Pete Follow @_Peter Thompson my greatest weakness is having no rigid exoskeleton means can be easily stabbed interviewer oh mean like on job

20 Ridiculous Tweets About Job Interviews

Don't try these tactics at home.
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friends, friendship, job, jobs, job interview, interview, support, wholesome

Heartening Thread Shows How Friendship Gets People Through Hard Times

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work, workplace, worker, job, job, worker's rights, management, employees, twitter, funny twitter, starter pack

Bleak Starter Pack Meme Shows Why Employees Everywhere Are Fed Up

Employees are miserable
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marriage, debate, wife, husband, marriage, trust, book, writing, baby, angry, twitter

Twitter Divided After Guy Gets Upset At Wife Writing A Book

There's layers here
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employee, malicious compliance, ceo, boss, worker, colleague, coworkers, funny, funny story, reddit

Non-Profit Employee Joins Colleagues In Maliciously Complying With Bosses’ Absurd Demands

Settling the score.
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