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Dude Leaves Job With Hilarious Marked-Up Resignation Letter Template

Quitting a job is hard. I've only done it twice in my life, and it's not as simple as waltzing in and yelling, “I quit!” It's much harder to leave a toxic workplace than a well functioning one. Nobody tries to guilt you when you're leaving a well-functioning workplace because they know that one less employee is not going to make much of a difference. The hardest jobs to quit are ones that beg you to stay. Each time I quit jobs, I tried to be as professional as possible because I wanted to maint…
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A compilation of memes about law and lawyers

Lawyer Memes For All the Real-Life Elle Woods

Do you ever see somebody in your life going to law school and get genuinely worried that they're only doing it because they were inspired by Legally Blonde ? This has happened to me a non-zero number of times. I don't have these concerns because I don't think blonde women are capable of mastering the legal profession. However, after one too many Elle Woods quotes posted on their Instagram story while studying for the LSATs, I got a little concerned. Being a lawyer is really difficult. It's not…
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Insane LinkedIn Posts Made By The Worst of Middle-Management

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People Discuss The Pinnacles of Loser Behavior

How does one kill that which has no life?
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Opportunistic Professional Tries to Use LinkedIn as Dating App, Sparks Mixed Reactions

A+ for audacity
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The Best Relatable Work Memes This Week (February 27, 2023)

Back to it
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A compilation of memes about and for fast food workers

Fast Food Worker Memes For Unappreciated Employees

On Christmas Day, customers usually have enough shame to not show up at a fast food place. They ask insecure questions about when the company lets the employees go home. When you deliver the sad news that you're working until closing, they retreat to their table to eat their McChicken with embarrassed expressions. Unfortunately, during Thanksgiving, customers have a lot less shame. They find it incredibly quirky to go to Popeyes for Thanksgiving instead of cooking a homemade meal. Working in fa…
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Nurse Memes For Exhausted Professionals

Nursing is not for sissies
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A Reddit thread about a person who found out they're getting let go and want to make the process as awkward as possible for their boss.

Employee Finds Out They're About to Be Laid Off, Finds Best Ways To Make Their Employer Uncomfortable

There's nothing worse than getting laid off . Just kidding, there is something objectively worse than that: finding out you're getting laid off from an outside source days before it happens. Being terminated without pay is possibly worse than getting let go, but getting let go always feels somewhat slimy, especially when your department is seemingly cut for no reason. Getting laid off is like saying, “we'll give you a little unemployment as a treat.” It's seemingly innocuous, but it's just anot…
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law school, legal woes, lawyer dog, jobs, university, job, lawyer, work memes, laws, work, legal, legally, lawsuits, lawyers, lawsuit, illegal, college, bar exam, law

Lawyer Memes For Fluent Legalese Speakers

I could never be a lawyer. This is partly because I do not care about the law that much. I have never wished I could spend the rest of my life engaging with legal documents. From what I've heard, law school is a terrible idea for people who are not passionate about it, so that would never work for me. As the writers of one of the only critically acclaimed CW shows, Crazy Ex-Girlfriend , one said: Don't be a lawyer! Don't do it, quickest way to ruin your life Don't be a lawyer! Not worth it, it'…
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The Best Relatable Work Memes This Week (February 20, 2023)

The grind never stops
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All the Best Boss Memes for the Chronically Mismanaged

The powers that be
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valentines, job memes, jobs, hotel, hospitality, job, motel, work memes, bad jobs, work, coworkers, bathroom, valentine, rooms, workplace, hotels, holidays, valentines day

Hospitality Memes To Lighten Up The Valentines Day Blues

Ah, Valentine's Day, the holiday where couples with 9 to 5 jobs get to terrorize people in various industries. If you work in entertainment, service, or hospitality, I am so sorry. You do not deserve the chaos, madness, and terror that is coming to you during this Hallmark card of a holiday. For most people in the hospitality industry, January and February are chill months! Unless your hotel is hosting a convention or you worked at an Arizona Hotel last weekend, your hotels are likely pretty em…
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A story about a Karen who wanted her son to give her his bosses number so she could check up on him at work.

Invasive Karen "Needs" Her Son's Boss' Number So She Can Check Up On Him At Work

It's hard to let the baby bird leave the nest. Many parents struggle to balance being involved in their kids' lives and being overly involved. I understand the struggle! At one point, you had to work day in and day out to ensure this young human survived. Flash forward a few years, and they seem like they don't need you anymore. This transition can be challenging for parents, but it's of the utmost importance that parents give kids, especially their adult kids, space to function without them. T…
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The Best Relatable Work Memes This Week (February 13, 2023)

You want a Bugatti?
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Inane Job Posting Demands Only 20-30 Year Old Female Applicants Over 5'2

It's no secret that some jobs discriminate based on age and gender. There's a reason that restaurants typically have teenage girls work as hostesses and servers and teenage boys washing dishes or bussing tables. It's not because one group is uniquely skilled at one of these jobs but because of industry conventions. There are still incredibly legal ways jobs can discriminate against certain groups. For example, have you ever applied to a job where one of the requirements is “the ability to lift…
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