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Boss Forces Single Mother To Bring Her Children To Work on Christmas Day

That's what the Christmas spirit is all about
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Snitch Employee Tattles to HR Every Time Her Coworkers Say Something Not PC

She reports anything and everything
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Entitled College Graduate Gets Roasted for Complaining That Entry Level Marketing Jobs Pay Less Than Being a Server

A degree ≠ six figure job prospects
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Shady IT Department Forces Applicants To Quit Their Current Jobs, Immediately Eliminates The Job They Applied For

Job seekers, beware
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The Best Relatable Work Memes This Week (October 9, 2023)

Rise and grind
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24 Epic Workplace Fails That Led to These Employees Getting Fired

We all have had that one coworker who makes us wonder how they ever got hired. You know, the one who does the dumbest things imaginable and somehow manages to keep their job. From putting their hand in a deep fryer to forgetting that their sharing their screen on a video call, these are some of the most epic fails in the workplace.
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Workers Share How They Deal With Lowballing Job Interviewers

There is no surefire way to get a recruiter to be honest with you about the salary range they're hiring within. That's the kind of information they want to keep private, usually for the purpose of lowballing interviewees if they can. Sure, there's the occasional recruiter who wants to give you a salary at the top of the range, but that really only happens when they're incredibly generous, you're literally the most qualified person in the world or both. Those factors rarely come together, so you…
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Foolish Recruiter Offers Candidate $15K Less Than Her Current Position, Freaks Out When She Ghosts Them

How to lose candidates 101
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Unreasonable Boss Gets Angry at Employee For Monetizing His Hobby

God forbid someone have multiple streams of income
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The Best Relatable Work Memes This Week (September 25, 2023)

Working life
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Worker Gets Cursed Out And Accused of Using $40K Per Year Job as a 'Stepping Stone' After Handing in Their Two Week Notice

Very professional
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The Best Low Effort Jobs That Have the Highest Salaries, According to People on Reddit

Maybe it's time for a career change
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The internet shares all the ridiculous reasons that they have been turned down by an employer for a job

25+ Hilariously Odd Reasons Why Job Applicants Were Rejected

We didn't want the job anyways
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boss, workplace stories reddit, antiwork, workplace stories, job, terrible bosses, bosses, work, new job, reddit story, toxic boss, Horrible Bosses, bad bosses, toxic work environment

Power-Tripping Boss Threatens to Tell Employee's New Boss to Revoke His Job Offer

He's a bad guy...duh
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The Best Relatable Work Memes This Week (September 11, 2023)

Monday blues
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Workers Discuss How Office Dress Codes Leave Men Sweltering During The Summer

Dudes are suffering
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